Please help

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
Hi there, would like to know why does my furballl push my hands away always?? And how many times must they bath. And what treats can I use to train him? And how do I train furballl to come to me? He often topples his food bowl over.. And is it required to make sure he always has food in the bowl. Thanks everyone as I am new in this. Kindly advise.
Linganne - Welcome to CnH. :)

First, someone already answered part of this question in the other question you asked, about pushing the hands away.

Second, if you title a thread "please help" or "urgent" people think it's an emergency, so you might want to tone that down a bit, since neither of your posts have been urgent.

Third, I would suggest you do some reading in the new chin owner section, health and hygiene, diet and nutrition, as well as the forum FAQ's. This will help you to become familiar with the pet you brought home, as I'm guessing you didn't do much research beforehand. That's okay, lots of us didn't, but it always helps me to retain the information more if I do a bit of research and reading. If you check through those sections and then use the search engine, I think you'll find pretty much everything you are curious about.

If you can't find what you're looking for, by all means, come right back to this thread and ask again. We'll be happy to answer your questions.
Alright. Thank you. Well I have done the basic research. But reading up and doing it practically is different. And many times there are many advise given but I am not sure with is right or wrong. So Ian getting little uptight as Ian afraid I might not be doing the right thing. Thanks for the advise I will get to it.
The information contained in the FAQ's on this forum is all up to date and accurate. There is no misinformation on this site and if anything is unclear, feel free to ask! ;)
Sorry I didn't indicate clearly. It's thru my personal research by breeders, pet shops book and the web... And Ian new tot his forum. Just today. My bad.
this site has more info than pratically any other site. pet shops often dont do their research so a lot of what they say is wrong or misguided. this forum has SO many chinchilla owners that have owned chins longer than ive been alive. many people on here know more about chinchillas than most vets
Hi and welcome. This is a great forum as everyone here is very friendly and very knowledgeable about chins. Like Peggy advised, do a bit of reading on here. All of your questions have been addressed. Just try the search engine. But if you can't find the answer to a question or 2, be sure to ask. Chins are easy to care for, once you have the basic knowledge about their care. When I first got my chin I was overwhelmed. There seemed to be so much to learn to care for these wonderful animals. But this forum is better than all the other reading you will do on other sites to give you the most up to date info on chins. Good luck and have fun with your new chin!