Playtime outside the cage

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double chin trouble
Dec 2, 2013
We've had our chins for about 2 years now and we have recently gotten very busy. We used to be able to let our chins out almost ever night for play time, but now we are down to maybe 2 nights a week...They have the chinchilla mansion cage so they have a lot of room to jump and climb, and a lot of toys to chew on.
We are by no means neglecting them. We jus didn't know if it mattered, the amount of time they are let out of the cage. I guess we feel bad because they were used to being out so much.
As long as you're doing the best you can for them, and doing your best to allow them some time out of the cage, should be fine. I know some owners think chins don't need any time outside of the cage at all; ultimately these types of decisions come down to ownership preference. I'd say as long as they're able to get some exercise in, be it with a wheel or outside of the cage, they should be fine. We all strive for the best for our chins, and of course the ideal situation is putting our lives aside completely for them, but that's not very realistic most days. :)
I let my kids out every day, but that's just because I work from home most of the time and am able to afford them that.
Chins do not have to have out of cage play time. They will be just fine. Breeding chins do not ever get out of cage time. It isn't safe for pregnant females. Your chins will be just fine.
I have to kick mine out of their cages twice a day for my entertainment, they like their cages and would rather stay there.