Playtime! (Gella toy!)

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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lol wow i wish i could dream up something custom for myself lol maybe like a pedicure chair lmao haha im silly
Your chinnies must be very happy! I can't believe how much dust they have all over the floor. I love it when Tink gets dust on the floor and then tries to roll around in it.

I've got the same playpen, although I have two sets attached together to make it extra big. So far Tink hasn't tried to jump over it, but a chin definitely could if they wanted to.
Ahoy, mateys! Things like this so often make me question my sanity, like when I start wishing that I could be a little pirate chin.. :p It looks so fun!
Chinnies are so good at making messes around them, your chins have done a fantastic job!! XD
Your chins look like they are having so much fun.