
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Oct 11, 2010
I recently bought a playpen for my chin, thinking i could use it as a safe play and exercise area. I put in her house, some treats and some food, and let her explore. For a few minutes it was fine and she was running around, but I had forgotten an important fact about chinchillas: how high they can jump! :banghead: Oops. But dont worry, got her back quickly and safely.
So I tried again, this time covering the top, but all she does is run in circles trying to escape! I don't know what to put in there to keep her entertained. Help? :)
How big (and tall) is the playpen?

I have one as well but it's the pop-up ware playpen. I put a hidey house, toys and a cardboard tube and a few other things in there and they love it. I have not had an escapee yet *knocks on wood*.