Chinchillas and rabbits?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012

I'm going to be having 2 pet bunnies as guests for a week while a friend is on a trip. Are there any precautions I should take regarding my chin or the bunnies?

They will not be housed in the same room and will not be interacting at all. Is there anything chins/bunnies can catch from each other?

One thing I know for sure is rabbits can carry pasturella bacteria (even without showing symptoms), which can cause fatal respiratory infections in chinchillas. It's spread by snot and saliva, so if the bunnies are carriers anything they chew or touch can be infected, also if they cough or sneeze (so it's good they will be in another room). Just make sure you wash your hands after handling anything in the bunny cage. If you hold the bunnies I would also change clothes just to be safe.
It's been a while since your post, but I wanted to offer some insight. How exciting to have some bunny guests! A few years back, I had a similar situation when I hosted a friend's rabbits while I had my chinchilla. Keeping them in separate rooms is a great plan. Generally, rabbits and chinchillas don't share common illnesses, but good hygiene is key. Always wash your hands between handling them to be safe.
It's been a while since your post, but I wanted to offer some insight. How exciting to have some bunny guests! A few years back, I had a similar situation when I hosted a friend's rabbits while I had my chinchilla. Keeping them in separate rooms is a great plan. Generally, rabbits and chinchillas don't share common illnesses, but good hygiene is key. Always wash your hands between handling them to be safe.
You might find helpful—they have great tips for rabbit care. Make sure both your chins and the bunnies have their own spaces to feel secure. Keeping an eye on their behavior and health will ensure a smooth stay.