Playing dead?

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Mar 9, 2009
Has anyone ever heard if Chins can/ will play dead? I had a friend over that was holding our chin Laverne, the one is underweight and had the prolapsed rectum 3 weeks ago. When I took her back to put her back in her cage, after less than 5 minutes out, she went limp in my hands and was flopping backwards. I could feel she was breathing fine, and her eyes looked ok. I would hold her back up and she would flop back over. This went on for maybe 30 seconds. She then took a big breath and stiffened up (for lack of a better term) and seemed to be fine. I put her in her cage and she's acting normal now. Anyone have any ideas?
Ditto what Alli said. The only "playing dead" chins should do is when they're so deep asleep they don't notice you come in the room and give you a heart attack. Not flop around like this. Honestly, if you've got a chin recovering from health issues, you shouldn't be letting anyone hold it. That stresses a chin out too much in many cases.
Sounds just like a seizure to me too. Our Gus had them. You described it exactly how it was for us...the chin going limp in your hands and still breathing, the eyes just looked how they always do. The flopping would stop and then he'd tense up again and the shake. It was scary. I agree - if your chin is recovering - minimal handling should be going on right now....and I'd definitely mention this to the vet.
She is doing absolutely fine now, so I will mention it to our vet tomorrow when I take her for her recheck (which is why I didn't rush her there again tonight). I thought seizure at first too, but she wasn't shaking and her eyes seemed totally normal. I've seen human seizures and this was nothing like that, although I don't know if they are at all similar. I guess I shouldn't have let her be handled, She has just been doing fine since the incident, and overall seems to be better, so I didn't think anytihng of it. Totally an error on my part, I agree.
Seizures can come in many forms, so just because she was not shaking means nothing. A seizure can make a person/animal unable to move, or do all sorts of things. It is a serious occurance and I would make sure she sees a vet. Good luck, poor girl!