Pictures of my rats

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The average is about two years.

Though this was years ago, I did a Rat life expectancy study from the year 2003 (I did this last year and was going to work my way up to the coming years, but I haven't gotten around to it this is as of 2003).

This is what I found:
Both male and female rats that came directly noted from a pet store both, on average, live 24 months (2 years).

Male rats that came directly noted from a breeder, on average, live 19 months (1 year and 7 months).
Female rats that came directly noted from a breeder, on average, live 26 months (2 years and 2 months).

Both male and female rats that came from “other sources”, be it pet stores, rescues, shelters, etc., on average, live 22 months (1 year and 10 months).

Top 10 reasons for death:
1. Euthanasia – always due to an underlying illness
2. Unknown causes
3. Tumors of unspecified malignant forms
4. Respiratory Infections/Distress
5. Natural Causes (Old age being the most common)
6. Myco and Other various causes (both coming in at the 6th reason)
7. Various forms of cancer
8. Pituitary tumors and Mammary tumors (both coming in at the 8th reason)
9. Pneumonia and Heart Failure for various reasons (both coming in at the 9th reason)
10. Seizures and Strokes (both coming in at the 10th reason)

I've heard of rats that have lived to be 4 or 5 though too...
My Rat Lucy is a year and a half (year and 7 months) so I'm hoping she lives a long life
*sigh* I want a rattie so bad! Lol. Currently, though, I have no room at the Inn!
Responsible breeders are working on getting the life expectancy up by tracking longevity (as well as health - tumors etc) in their lines. Even so, of the rats I've noticed, most seem to pass around 2 years of age - sometimes just before or just after. There are a handful I've known live 2.5 - 3 years. I have heard of rats living up to five years, but I typically doubt those claims.

I currently have 20 rats, aged everywhere between three weeks and 1 year.
No, I was just noting ages. The forum that I comb through is way too busy for me to check every thread and collect data on the C.O.D.'s of everyone's rats. Just the thought of it is daunting! But the members typically put the birth and passing dates in the thread titles, so it's easy to just kind of tally it in my head as I'm reading through the index.
Are you part of Goosemoose? I am and that is where I got the 2003 data took forever, but I tallied...I was hoping to see if there were changes over the years as far as age, but I never got that far, ha.
I've raised rats since 1996 and LOVE the lil buggers. I miss my hairless ones, my largest was a male named Harry who weighed over 2 pounds. Most of mine live to about 2yrs (give or take a couple months) tho I've had some live past 3, and one gal almost made it to 5 yrs old.

As for those asking about genetics, theres MUCH more to rats than chins. Colors come from either agouti lines or black lines and if you dont know the genetics of your rat, a champagne rat, beige rat, & an amber dilute rat will look exactly the same even tho genetically its 3 entirely different scenarios. Fascinating all the genes they can carry too - siamese/himilayan genes can remain hidden for several generations then pop up one day & surprise you.

Anyway - babbling aside - your ratties are all adorable :)
that is so sad that they only live 2 years. :(
although that may be a good pet to get for my son I will have to do way more research and make sure he know that they dont live nearly as long as chins.
i love that people on here have such a diverse mix of pets!