Pictures of my Annabelle

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Hi all! Just thought I would post some pictures of Annabelle that I took during her playtime tonight, along with an update.

Annabelle appears to be doing well. She is still a little huffy with me, but she is beginning to let me handle her feet and ears without immediately objecting. She even tolerated me giving her a little scratch between the eyes tonight without so much as flinching. Usually when I take her out she is sleepy at first, then gets REALLY active and starts pooping everywhere - I assume that means she's just nervous. After she poops she usually settles down for a nap. I think we are making good progress, though - I have had her for a little less than a week.


Here she is sniffing my boyfriend's finger, haha. They are both timid around each other - he has hardly handled her as often as I have, and her huffing makes him nervous.


I let her run around on the sofa (against boyfriend's wishes, given her pooping lol) so that I could easily block the edges if she got too close. She is so sweet and curious!


Me with her after her energy/poop spurt. Look at the position she fell asleep in! lol!

Thank you for looking! :) I can't wait to see where we will be one week from now.
Your little girl is just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your pictures. I can't wait for more pictures of her! Plus I love the little stories about her.
I just love that last pic with her butt sticking out!! She's gorgeous :heart4: