I finally got pics of the little fuzzy monsters!
Baby #1 (who has a deformed tail), and baby #2. Both born to a standard grey who was housed with a dark ebony & her son that is a medium ebony.
i was just wondering if there was a reason you were keeping the mom and the son together, and if you were aware that the son could easily impreginate the mother?
the kits are cute little fuzz butts but i didnt see anyone else question the mom and son cagemate thing that i thought i would ask. the male chins are capable of mating as early as 8 weeks old, and i dont think you want an inbred problem on your hands if you can avoid it.
We do animal rescue & the trio was surrendered to us living together. They were seperated the day they arrived here. We had only had this trio for about 3 weeks (if that) until she delivered.
This was DEFINATELY not a planned litter (nor wanted) don't get me wrong, I love these 2 boys VERY much, but I did not put the mother with the males, and would not have put her with the males. We know NO background info on any of them (except the med. ebony from her first litter, we know his parents. lol)
Thanks for questioning though, Appreciate the fact you are trying to educate people.