Photos of my babies

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I finally got pics of the little fuzzy monsters!

Baby #1 (who has a deformed tail), and baby #2. Both born to a standard grey who was housed with a dark ebony & her son that is a medium ebony.






IF i were to post photos, could someone help me sex them? I am guessing males on both, but not sure!
Thanks, i will post photos then..
I am guessing males for both of them, but I could be totally wrong!

Baby 1:


Baby 2:

another.. excuse the poo on him!
Yep! Both boys!

Also the one with the "deformed" tail actually just looks like a really bad screw tail. Genetically it's undesireable as it messes up the fur on the chinchilla...but some chins do have/carry the genes for a screw tail.
From the first one I can't tell for sure! It could be a girl. Is there a space between the anus and the little foreskin area? Don't mind me though, I check and double check so many times to make sure that we have boys or girls here. :)
Tab, is the screw tail permanent? I am not concerned as far as looks, they will be pets. To me, they both look the same as far as sexing, so hopefully I am right & it's 2 boys!

Susan, yes they both have a space, it's just hard holding them with them squirming & getting photos, and there is not much of a tail to help stead the little one! LOL

If it works out like that, I have a friend who wants a pair of same-sex chinnies, and she may get baby # 2, and one of my half-grown rescue males (IF they get along!)

What color would you consider them? I am not sure if they are standard greys or medium Ebonys.. .
Two boys is awesome because then they can live together forever. Yay! :D (Sorry, I can't see things on this old monitor sometimes..)

The screw tail is permanent...and it's alright. It's cute unless you show and then it isn't desirable because it impacts the fur on the back there.

You know they could be light/medium ebonies...wait until they are older and post a picture. ;)
Two boys is awesome because then they can live together forever. Yay! :D (Sorry, I can't see things on this old monitor sometimes..)

The screw tail is permanent...and it's alright. It's cute unless you show and then it isn't desirable because it impacts the fur on the back there.

You know they could be light/medium ebonies...wait until they are older and post a picture. ;)

Thanks Susan!!

We weren't sure, hearing that it's probably screw tail is a huge relief, as we thought he was deformed, and we were worried that he may have other issues!!

I plan to take lots of photos, next time I will put them on a solid colored background, the zebra sheets of my bed were a bit much!!
Gotta admit though, the babies seemed to enjoy playing & sliding around on the silk sheets! :dance3:
Baby #1 looks like a standard and Baby #2 looks like a light ebony. I'm guessing based on the sexing pictures since I can see bellies there. Baby number one appears to have a white belly and I can see some grey tipping common to light ebs on the second baby's belly.

Susan is correct, screw tail is permanent but in no way harmful to the chinchilla. It just means you've got a little corkscrew for a tail on one baby. Maybe his name should be Piglet? :D It's only in shows that we keep away from screw tails because it messes up the fur on the back. A lot of pet parents LOVE screw's adorable, lol.
Thanks Tab...another HUGE sigh of relief! I love to hear that it's simple & not going to cause issues! i worry so much with these little guys!

I am now on baby watch for the other 2 girls. they are both black velvet females who were housed with a black velvet male.. so it's a pretty good guess that they will have black velvets, but of course who knows what thier parents were..
I have noticed them BOTH sleeping on thier sides a LOT, and the one has a decent sized belly on her! Hoping for safe deliveries & healthy babies for both! once all babies are born & weaned, I will be getting FN or CN type cages! very excited for that!! :)
actually tov is a lethal gene (like white) so there is already a 25% reduced chance of babies...they can also have standards out of that pairing also. (Lethal meaning the embryos just dont form and are usually reabsorbed - not meaning dead kits are born) if you search lethal gene I am sure there are more detailed explainations. Not to say you shouldn't be watchful however :)
Excuse the obnoxiousness in the following sentence, but after I saw the pics of baby # 1 I shouted
at the top of my lungs, followed by a squee. My roommate I'm crazy now. o_O He just doesn't understand cuteness.
....*steals baby # 1* :innocent:
I am now on baby watch for the other 2 girls. they are both black velvet females who were housed with a black velvet male.. so it's a pretty good guess that they will have black velvets, but of course who knows what thier parents were..

All the babies could come out as never know with TOV pairings. If the parents all show black velvet in the phenotype, this means they are heterozygous for TOV. TOV cannot exist in homozygous form and thus results in the lethal factor Christy mentioned above. Any kits that receive two dominant TOV genes are reabsorbed in exactly which point is unknown because there has been no research in chinchillas for the lethal factor. But, since after 40yr+ of ranchers and other breeders attempting to get a homozygous TOV or homozygous white, none have been produced it is a very good assumption that chinchillas have a lethal gene very similar to rabbits.

So both of your mothers could have standard or black velvet kits. Those are the only two possibilities unless there is ebony in the background which can be carried for multiple generations. Good luck with them!:thumbsup:
OH wow. I REALLY hope they aren't lethals. At least they aren't like Guinea pigs. Guinea pig Lethals are born with a list of health issues, and can live for a short time, but with very special care!
OH wow. I REALLY hope they aren't lethals. At least they aren't like Guinea pigs. Guinea pig Lethals are born with a list of health issues, and can live for a short time, but with very special care!

With a lethal you will never see them or know they don't worry yourself about it. It's not like you'll see a mummified kit or a kit of any kind. The "kit" is reabsorbed before it gets to a strongly developed stage where you would see evidence of it.
Right. That is a good thing..i guess..

As gross as it may sound, I have done guinea pig rescue for years now, and I have seen more than my fair share of half-eaten & stillborn pups, so I am definately used to it. I have even seen it with the rescue dogs. I have come to accept that death is part of the passion of animal lovers/rescuers.
So, now i have a question.
Being that both females have been laying on thier sides sleeping quite abit, is it safe to assume that they are pregnant? I think I will go back & count the days since I got them to get an idea of how much longer to wait, I know it has been about a month... maybe a little longer...