
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Mar 17, 2014
So my boyfriend bought me a chinchilla from Petsmart around December. I admit I didn't know much about them but I learned a lot more after I got her, from here of course! Well today I saw another chinchilla at petsmart and it broke my heart realizing the horrible environment they have these chins in. :((( they had improper bedding, everything plastic, the chins wheel was even broken. Plus, IT WAS HOT IN THERE! I just wanted to save the poor little chin but sadly I couldn't afford it. I'm so glad I saved my Bella from that place honestly, they shouldn't even have the right to sell chins :((

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I worked at Petsmart for a couple of years when I was younger...glad I got away from them, all they did was infuriate me with improper care of their animals. And when I tried to respectfully explain to a customer the RIGHT way to house our animals, all they did was complain to my bosses about me and get me in trouble. It did no good either way. In the summer, it was a constant 80 degrees in our store because corporate didn't want to pay to get our ac fixed. Ugh. I could only do so much. I absolutely won't shop there for my critters. A local family owned pet shop is the only place I'll go.
Its a real shame you want to rescue them from horrible conditions but if you buy them all you do is fund their operation and they will fill the cage on the very next shipment with another poor creature. Its terrible really, do not google anything about Petsmart distribution warehouses either, unless you want to cry and not be able to sleep tonight.
OMG!!! I bought a guinea pig from the and 1 week later I died!!!! I feel so bad :cry3: because it was the only place I could go!!!! but luckily I found a place that is really close to the Illinois- Wisconsin boarder phew!!!!
I am just glad that the Petsmart that is near me dose not sell chins.
Slave to:
Leonardo(Leo)-Gray and White Mosaic
OMG!!! I bought a guinea pig from the and 1 week later I died!!!!

We had a feed store here- half the time you could go in and the fish/hermit crab tanks had dead animals in them still. They occasionally had rabbits and things and I never saw those dead, but I don't doubt those died regularly too. I was thrilled to see that place close. It was like "Sweat Feed" or something like that.

Pet Supplies Plus is supposed to be stopping carrrying chins sometime soon. Out of the three nearby only one has them "in-stock" now. They want every store to be exactly alike and know it'd be worthless in some communities to carry chins. Out Petsmart, Petco, and Anderson's no longer carry them either. Unfortunately our small chains do. I can't go in those now because seeing chins in rabbit cages with paper litter on the floor and a half chewed plastic hut just infuriated me. They wouldn't listen to a word I said, and unfortunately have the niche covered unless people seek out a breeder. Hopefully our community can continue to change stuff. (Pitbulls are allowed in the city again, and since the puppy mill puppy store went into the mall there's been a crowd with signs to boycott it every weekend)
everything plastic

I take it from that statement that plastic is bad? My chin has a plastic house/stairs. She gave it a few nibbles at first but since then does not bite it all. Should I be worried? Just what I learned on my first night on this forum is going to cost me an arm and a leg but Zoey is worth it :)