I get sick when I walk through petshops! Most are just disgusting with the products they sell, the conditions they have their animals in, the serious lack of knowledge about the animals they're selling, etc. But...when a chin ingests too much plastic, has serious blockage, and dies, where will they go to buy another chin?! I believe that is their idea of being a good business-make sure customers return for ALL purchases. They can't all be ignorant about good chin ownership (and other animals as well) so what else can some of them be thinking?! If they successfully kill a pet but it the owner doesn't connect it back to them, more business, more money, more deaths! And all the companies are thinking is, "They're just rodents! Who cares?!"
But I think one of the key ways to get ignorant pet owners to pay more attention is to tell them the money they'll be saving if they do! Like one post says, the big money goes to toys and treats for chins, so when people hear it isn't necassary and they'll be saving loads of money, they'll be super happy. On Yahoo Answers, I talked someone out of buying a plastic 12" wheel for their chin from Petsmart, saying a metal one would be safer, but they'd also be saving money in the future on possible vet bills and also having to replace a crappy plastic wheel how many times in a chins life. I did the probable math for them and they'd end up saving a bunch of money. Plus buying safe food and dust and treats online in bulk is a huge way to save money. 2.5 lbs of Kaytee dust bath for like $8 is a huge rip off!!!! Once the word gets out more about that, I think a lot more pet owners will care, and in turn, the petshops will have to as well to keep business coming to them...hopefully. But then again, I have barely any faith in humanity left, so...probably not! Easier also matters, though for me spending 20 minutes on the internet is easier and cheaper than driving 40 minutes to the closest Petsmart! And the only way they'll find the healthier, cheaper, safer stuff online is by doing a little research which most people won't do cause they're lazy so....back to my pessimism