Pet peeves?

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Thank you! I hate that too. It's not right.
It bugs me that it is perfectly acceptable to pass negative comments about person being skinny and that is is considered rude to do so for someone who is fat.

Not every skinny person starves themselves to look good, some actually have trouble gaining weight and could be just as sensitive about their weight as someone big who wishes to be slimmer.

If you don't go around telling fat people to eat less, then don't go around telling skinny people to eat more.
People who stop & chat with one another in a store, blocking the entire aisle so you can't get by!

Ahh yes! Even worse the ones that act like you are putting them out when you say excuse me & expect them to allow room for you to get by!

People who dont use child car seats correctly! (the upper bar.) gahh If i could just step in & fix them when i see it. :hair:
Sasha, I take it you aren't much of a beach person with the anti sand peeve. I love it. And I don't care if there is sand in my sheets at night as long as it came from the beach.

My peeves:
People who know nothing about owning a pet yet they have a pet. Ok there buddy, you mean to tell me your dog SHRANK when you started to bring him indoors because it finally is getting below 20 degrees Fahrenheit over night? So in the matter of like 2 weeks your dog is a walking skeleton and you blame the heat when you can't recall the last time you fed the poor thing?

Drivers who cut you off in traffic or ride your behind when there is no where else for you to go. Because that .000000005 seconds faster is going to make a huge difference in whether you get to work on time. Here's a tip, leave earlier! That those who bob and weave through traffic like a maniac nearly causing 5 accidents along the way. I am a Jersey Shore girl through and through so I got some issues with traffic.

When people clean but not thoroughly enough. As in there is still food stuck to fork or stuff on the counter.
-People who chew food, gum, etc with their mouths wide open!
-My hands being dirty, even the smallest amount I can't stand
-People who are in SUCH a hurry when they drive that they have to tailgate you and expect YOU to move out of the way.
-Loud and obnoxious people!
-People who stalk you for your parking space when you are walking back to your car
I thought of another one!

People who go slow in the left lane of traffic. The left lane is for PASSING! How am I supposed to get around you if you are going under the speed limit in the passing lane. :hair:
I go slow in the left lane if someone is being annoying and riding on my tail :D

Be nice to me, and I'll be nice to you, but if you're mean and feel as though you should get a foot away from my car, don't expect me to be nice.

Glad I don't live in Italy though, if you don't move over, they'll bump your car to make you move..
I thought of another one: when people drive in the passing lane... at the same speed as the people in the slow they're just driving side by side, next to each other, so you effectively can't go ANYWHERE and just have to stay behind those two cars.

Ok, fine, another few.

People in such a freaking hurry. I know I rush sometimes, but... the other day, someone almost plowed into me when I was stopped at a stoplight (tires screaching, clearly not paying ANY attention, radio on so loud with subs that my car was vibrating), and then before the light even turned green, they stepped on the gas and bumped me. Come on now. You wreck my car I'll make you even MORE late.

Those idiots that walk in the middle of the street (or parking lot, or whatever) while you are driving through it, so you have to follow these people as they walk like 0.5 mph towards wherever they're going cause you sure can't pass them.

Pedestrians that ALWAYS think they have the right of way. Sure, it's against the law to hit them, but come on... if I'm going 60 mph on a highway, 200 feet from where you're standing, do NOT step out and decide to cross at that moment so that I effectively have to slam on the breaks so that I don't hit you. WAIT until you can safely cross without me having to use my breaks. Same goes for people that pull out into traffic and then take FOREVER getting up to speed, so they back up everyone else (cause they didn't wait for a big enough space to pull out into).

Also, people who wait forever to turn into traffic. I understand not everyone can fit in tiny gaps, but at some point, you just gotta realize there's never gonna be a mile-long gap for you to edge into traffic with. Just GO.

Those people that know the pattern of streetlights and so they know when the light's gonna turn green, so they edge up...and edge up, and edge up...and by the time it's green they're in the middle of the freaking intersection. And in SUCH a hurry. And like 5 miles down the road I come to a stop behind them at a red light. Getting there so much quicker than me, eh? Haha.

Excessive use of stoplights. It should NOT take me 30-40 minutes to go 5 miles every morning. Enough said.

I think I'm done for now :p
I thought of another one: when people drive in the passing lane... at the same speed as the people in the slow they're just driving side by side, next to each other, so you effectively can't go ANYWHERE and just have to stay behind those two cars.

This is exactly what I'm talking about! I also hate it when people in the passing lane drive SLOWER than the people in the right lane. It drives me absolutely NUTS!

And yes...I confess I will ride people's tail until they either get out of my way or they speed up enough that I can get around then and the slow behind car they are next to :D It should NOT take me 30 minutes to drive 15 miles on the HIGHWAY.

I really am a courteous driver though. :rofl:

Pedestrians who think it's a good idea to step out into oncoming traffic bother me too, I'm not gonna hit you, but I'm not slowing down for you either. You wanted to cross SOO bad, you better be running to get out of my way. It really bothers me on one-way streets, because they LOOK at you and STILL step out into the street.
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~I hate when my neighbor spits on the steps (told him I would push him down them next time I see him do it)
~People who reply to things they have NO experience with.
~People who refuse to move in an aisle when you need to get around them.
~People with an entire cart of groceries and they are in the express lane.