I thought of another one: when people drive in the passing lane... at the same speed as the people in the slow lane...so they're just driving side by side, next to each other, so you effectively can't go ANYWHERE and just have to stay behind those two cars.
Ok, fine, another few.
People in such a freaking hurry. I know I rush sometimes, but... the other day, someone almost plowed into me when I was stopped at a stoplight (tires screaching, clearly not paying ANY attention, radio on so loud with subs that my car was vibrating), and then before the light even turned green, they stepped on the gas and bumped me. Come on now. You wreck my car I'll make you even MORE late.
Those idiots that walk in the middle of the street (or parking lot, or whatever) while you are driving through it, so you have to follow these people as they walk like 0.5 mph towards wherever they're going cause you sure can't pass them.
Pedestrians that ALWAYS think they have the right of way. Sure, it's against the law to hit them, but come on... if I'm going 60 mph on a highway, 200 feet from where you're standing, do NOT step out and decide to cross at that moment so that I effectively have to slam on the breaks so that I don't hit you. WAIT until you can safely cross without me having to use my breaks. Same goes for people that pull out into traffic and then take FOREVER getting up to speed, so they back up everyone else (cause they didn't wait for a big enough space to pull out into).
Also, people who wait forever to turn into traffic. I understand not everyone can fit in tiny gaps, but at some point, you just gotta realize there's never gonna be a mile-long gap for you to edge into traffic with. Just GO.
Those people that know the pattern of streetlights and so they know when the light's gonna turn green, so they edge up...and edge up, and edge up...and by the time it's green they're in the middle of the freaking intersection. And in SUCH a hurry. And like 5 miles down the road I come to a stop behind them at a red light. Getting there so much quicker than me, eh? Haha.
Excessive use of stoplights. It should NOT take me 30-40 minutes to go 5 miles every morning. Enough said.
I think I'm done for now