Pedigree help needed

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Exactly. It's a money gimmick. Say i'm selling a chinchilla to an unexpecting buyer.

I can say "I have a common white mosaic for $150" and then say "Oh, I almost forgot I also have a very rare piebald chinchilla. They are very hard to find, and very limited. I'll give you a great price on him.... $300".

Ugh...I hate dishonesty =\ When I first heard about the panda bear chinchilla (It was when I first started getting into chins) I was like "What?! They have panda bear chins? I love panda bears...How much is one...$500? That must be a great deal, I've never heard of one before"
Thankfully, I didn't have $500 or I'd be awful sore right now...
I didn't pay any more for him than I would have for any of her other ones. He was $150 and she never made him seem like a "rare" color. I just liked him so that's why he got picked.

I've seen several sites call standards, "piebalds". I guess I just don't understand all the different colors yet, lol.
I'm glad you didn't get ripped off when you purchased him :) .
So am I, lol. He actually wasn't even one of the ones she had listed for sale. She was showing us all the ones for sale and I saw him and asked about him. She said he was for sale but was older than what we had told her we wanted. So we got him out and the rest is history :) lol
Actually, I'm pretty sure there is a mutation called piebald, it's a white but not Wilson White. Though that chin looks like a tan white or "extreme" pink white to me.
That site is not that accurate. Example a persian cat color??? NO way. Anyway I think it has been stated in earlier post I would go to the MCBA website . You can get accurate information there on pedigrees as well as colors that may help you decipher the one you have.
Mish--do you have any links to a reputable site with information on the piebalds?

I've heard of Whites, Mosaics, Wilson Whites etc...but not a piebald from a reputable breeder/rancher? And surely its not a standard?
Here it is, Alice Kline genetics pg 157: PIEBALD RECESSIVE (dd)

"This gene has occurred in practically all rodents and is usually characterized by a splash of white or, in some places, a splash of grayish-black. This has occurred on many ranches but since it is recessive, it is very difficult to get it to reproduce the same markings as the original. A few patient breeders have bred all the female offspring back to a piebald male or some other type. Usually this fails, but occasionally it is possible to duplicate the original. If this occurs, the spot is even in the same place."

Having not seen a true piebald nor really being sure what one actually looks like given this description, I'm guessing it's a standard looking chin with a different colored spot - either white or grayish-black (how "grayish-black" is different than standard, I don't know...) And this spotting is recessive.
That site is not that accurate. Example a persian cat color??? NO way. Anyway I think it has been stated in earlier post I would go to the MCBA website . You can get accurate information there on pedigrees as well as colors that may help you decipher the one you have.

I haven't read the site you're referring to, but there is a color called "chinchilla" recognized in cats, rabbits, and rats. Possibly more, but those are three I know of. In rabbits and rats, it's a silvery grey. In cats (Persians), it's very light silver just off-white.
Thanks Mish! Looks like I stand corrected... However still have never seen one from a reputable breeder :)

I know my limited experience with Piebalds is just starting at Piebald pythons, and wishing I could afford one LOL. I knew with reptiles, it is a simple recessive gene.
That article makes that claim to avoid confusion with the mosaic disorders, which are genetic disorders where the specimen does not have the normal amount of chromosomes, with down syndrome in humans probably being the best known. Unfortunately, IMHO it is not based on much more then that. Piebalds are a distinct mutation which our whites do not fit, add to that the fact that there is a lost Piebald mutation in chinchillas that even has an MCBA genetic code and you quickly see this is a bad idea. The simple solution is the one that has been used by shows and most ranches for years...white. A white is a white is a white...there isn't much more to it.
The claim first made by those on the west coast that a mosaic should be refered to as a piebald is every bit as wrong as the term mosaic. The spotted white we have today doesn't fit the definition of a piebald any closer then it does a mosaic. So I agree with jeff the answer is quite easy the term is white. and if you want to get really specific it can be called the Wilson White.
The site I was referring to shows a white chin with a grey spot and calls it the persian cat mutation. We have bred chinchilla rex rabbits I am familiar with them. The site also states breeding ebony to white is lethal...This is the site posted in this thread.
I've never seen anything like this. But since I had nothing better to do this morning and feeling like crap, I thought I might give it a shot. ( I could be wrong )

Number : OPCJ
Color: stated as piebald ( looks like tan white or pink white?)
Date of birth:

Dame to Patch : Samone
Number :SB-OPCS190
Date of birth : 11-30-06
Color: Beige Pastel ( light tan white perhaps?)

Sire to Patch: Neal
Number OPCJ
Date of birth:
Color : Beige
No Dam listed for Neal

Sire to Neal : MoonBeam
Number: OPCL?
Color : Homogygous Beige

Dam to Neal.............who can guess.

Sire to MoonBeam : Moon
Number: 0036M
Color: ?

Samone's Sire: Spunkie
number : ?
Color: Pink White/ TOV

Samone's Dame : Sparkle
Number: ?
Color : Gray ( however this doesn't explains Samones TOV )

Samone's grandfather :Comet
Number: OPCBS
Color : Piebald ( won't even bother to guess)

And the rest is just madness to me.
Wow that is pretty good. You made more out of it then I could. LOL :thumbsup:
ok, I've got Patch's Pedigree straightened out. When she sent if for some reason the format changed so she re-sent it a different way, now it's much easier to understand. On Patch's sire side it's all Beige, with his sire being homozygous. His dam is mosaic and she's got standand, pink white, mosaic and black velvet in her background. Patch's color is listed as piebald, with now knowing what his parents are, what color is he? lol
Pink White... Homo beige X Mosaic can only give you Pink Whites or Beige.
He is a pink white. You can tell that from the photos.

Not all pink white are "strikingly white" and free of markings.


This is Pork Chop one of my pink white kits. She is fully "dusted" as I call it, or tipped, with distinct markings on her face.


This though is the most common form of pink white coloring, all creamy white, with pink ears.
Thank you!!! Pink White he is! lol
What's funny is that when I went to pick out a chinchilla, I wanted a baby and the only color I really didn't want was white. I ended up with a 2 1/2 year old pink white! And I love him!