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lol....ops You'll have to excuse me, I'm kinda brain dead this morning. I've been chasing around 3 puppies makeing sure they don't get into trouble. And cleaning the whole house.
Even though parsley is technically an herb, I wouldn't feed anything to my chin that hasn't already been mentioned that is ok. Stick to the basics. They just don't need anything more and we shouldn't feel guilty or compelled to give them anything more.
Milo doesn't get anything other than cheerios, rolled oats, and a rolled oats and grain supplement that came with a bath house from erinschin.
Wasn't feeling guilty, I was just asking a question to get an answer.

But the other part of that was that you shouldn't feel compelled to try adding other foods or treats to the already well known diet that chin's have. There is no need to keep asking if this is ok or that is ok, it has already been established what foods and treats are ok. It is certainly ok to ask questions, to be sure, but I really don't think there should be a question about a chin's dietary needs. There is already so much of that already answered on this forum.
However I dont really see a need to use it since its used to treat congestion(or so it says?) and if your chin had congestion you should probably go to a vet. You could probably give a pinch but its not necessiary or anything.

Thanks! Thats what I was wanting to know!
I never understand the need to find tons and tons of different things to give the chinchillas...The more you introduce to their diet the more you have to narrow down to when something goes wrong. Keep that in mind if something upsets his GI tract it could be such a combination of things. People often end up with dead chinchillas over a very simple issue that could have been prevented or at least found faster if they did not have a ton of different treats and such in their diet.

As for treating congestion I had never heard that but if a chinchilla is congested it needs more medical treatment than a pinch of Parsley. What herbs and other foods do in one species (humans for example) they may not to others..Like I can eat grapes and onions and chocolate (not all together lol) but my dog would die....
lol... I understand chinchillas Dietary needs, really I do. But I was just curious as to if chins are able to have this, because they have them on treats in the pet store (I don't buy things for my chin in the pet store anymore) But I thought I mine as well ask the question even if it was stupid. I figure the more that I learn the better! Thats why I was asking. I don't mix a lot of things in her diet. For treats she only gets cheerios, rolled oats and a rolled oats and grain mix. I feed her Mazuri and she gets Orchard Hay.
Parsley is also a diuretic. It will cause your chin pee way more which can result in dehydration and will mean that you have to clean your cage more often.