LemonSqueezi - You've gotten advice from people who have had many, many litters before, and yet you know more than they do. You get defensive when they give you good advice. You don't even know that chins don't nest, but when someone tells you not to palpate in case you injure the kits, you get angry. I've been breeding for 9 years and I don't palpate. Why do you feel compelled to?
You talk out of both sides of your mouth and your attempt at sarcasm directed at Jessica is childish. If you don't want to know the answer to the question you ask, from people with actual experience not just one or two litters by bad luck through a rescue, then it's simple - don't ask.
BTW, in regards to yet another defensive remark, my chins look just fine pregnant. They don't look off or sickly. They look pregnant - you know - weight gain? That's it. They don't lay on their sides like they want to die.
With that, I'll close the thread, at the OPs request.