Oxbow or Mazuri

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2009
Washington DC area
Sorry for this very elementary question... Which do you prefer for your chins? Oxbow pellets or Mazuri pellets? Thanks.


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I prefer PANR (Purina Advanced Nutrition SHOW formula) but between the two definitely Oxbow.
Oxbow. I have heard of too many people (including myself) having problems with their chins on Mazuri such as having soft poos.

I have fed Oxbow for over a year now and all of my chins do fine on it.
Ditto on the Oxbow! Been feeding Oxbow to my chins since March. Prior to that they were on Mazuri for maybe 2.5 months and noticed waste of pellets and softer stools from both chins.
I have never had an issue with either brand of food. I used to feed my chin mazuri, but the store stopped selling it so I switched to oxbow. Even though I have personally never had an issue with mazuri, I have also heard of some problems with soft poos.
Between those two, Oxbow. My chins wouldn't eat it but I believe they were already spoiled by the taste of PANR? Who knows.
I've only used Mazuri out of the two and had no problems with it. It's also more reasonably priced than Oxbow.

But I use PANR now.
Actually by where I live, Allison, Mazuri costs just a little more than Oxbow, both have had dramatic price increases recently. Maybe at a feed store they might sell it for less?
I use Oxbow and am totally satisfied with it. Have not used Mazuri, but have heard of friends that have changed to Oxbow because of diareha caused by Mazuri. Although others do well on it.
I tried Mazuri for awhile just for the sake of getting her off the evil Kaytee. It helped stabilize her more than Kaytee, but she still had occasional soft or small poos [Probably because of the high protein]. Now that she's on Oxbow, she's doing fantastic! So I vote Oxbow all the way!
Mazuri caused soft poos more than once in a couple of my chins. Over a year ago I switched to Nutrena Rabbit pellets and everyone loves them and no more soft poos at all! Even better it's 1/2 the price of Mazuri.
I have fed Mazuri for 6ish years with no problems. However, as my #s of chins has increased and rescues have come in, I have noticed that a few have had soft poos. Switching them to Oxbow has alleviated that problem. I currently have 5 chins on Oxbow and 12 on Mazuri. I'd like to switch them all to Oxbow eventually, if I can find a 25 lb bag for a reasonable price. So my answer is Oxbow (sorry to have rambled on...lol).
I have fed both and prefer Oxbow. I used to feed Oxbow to my pet-only and rescue chins. Now, however, I am unable to get it locally and the price has gone up so much, it is too expensive to feed to so many chinchillas.

Now my pets and rescues are on the same feed as my breeding and growing-out chins: Manna Pro Sho.
I know that if you call Oxbow direct they will ship a 50 pound bag to you. Their 50 lb. bag costs $37.00, not bad compared to what it costs around here - $15.99 for 5 pounds! The only drawback is the cost of shipping and Oxbow quoted me $28.50
I had used Mazuri for years and my animals started dropping weight a few months back. I have since bought PANR and will be doing the necessary weigh in's this weekend. The chins were slowly switched and I am now at 100% change over. I do have a question about Oxbow. There was someone on a thread some time ago seeking to be a distributor through their business license. Anyone know more? I do love the Oxbow feed line. I have one chin that was in a severe crisis with his health and I cold switched him over and he did very well. He is now switched over to PANR with the rest of my herd as the darned small bag of Oxbow is just too high priced. Anyone?