Our kitty has a rare type of cancer

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
I thought I would write a note about a rare type of cancer that has affected out kitty named Peep. It is called Adenocarcinoma.

She was due for her rabies in early November and it was on my list of things to do. Our kitty Peep is very sweet and outgoing. And somehow I missed the lump on her neck. Higher on the right side about an inch below her ear. She doesn't like to be petted on her head. So I always pet and love on her, leaving the head alone.

Her routine is to sit in my lap every morning while I drink coffee and read the news on the net in front of my pc. She falls asleep curled up in my lap. Always been a very petite kitty. I started to pet her on the back of her head stroking down towards her body. And thats when I found that darned lump. I will add that I thought she was getting a bit thinner to me and was going to address that issue when she went for the rabies/check up.

To make a long story short. It is a rare form of cancer found in older cats. She is 11. My vet did take samples of the lump through a syringe and send them out to the pathologist. Results came back with nothing that would indicate cancer.

She explained she could not perform the surgery based on the location and set us up with a specialist surgeon group here in town.
Both surgeons explained the surgery. What might have to be taken out around it. Said they have to take a bit of good tissue out as well for pathology. And explained the dreaded possibility of cancer. Pathology results will explain benign or malignant.
They did the surgery. The incision was from her neck down towards her chest. ( I must say it was a bit shocking, as I thought it would only be on the neck)
It had attached itself to part of the nerve that affects her voice, a lymph node and a small portion of her salivary gland.

It is terminal. Pretty hard to take. Our estimated time with her is only months.
There is very little information about longevity with felines with this form of cancer. Dogs who have this type of cancer have months.
So I have searched the web and found the best site yet that explains any information you might have about dog/ cat cancer. Perhaps it may help someone in the future who has to walk down the same path.

It is from Petcancercenter.org

Our wonderful surgeons have also instructed us as to any further treatment through a local oncologist should we choose to do so.
At the present time we have not told our daughter due to her mid term high school exams next week. We shall inform her next weekend. In the meantime my husband and I plan to talk with the oncologist. I have also spoke with the surgeon on future pain medication and nutritional needs.
Peep is very happy eating moist canned kitten food right now. I am giving her anything she wants to eat to try and keep weight on her. And bought her some new toys. She is VERY happy right now. ( smiles )

Please don't leave any ugly comments about chemotherapy treatments and prolonging her life. My husband and I are not going to be hero's and be selfish to keep her here just for our pleasure.
We love Peep. And will speak with the oncologist to share the information with our daughter. I hope to make the appointment next Friday and tape it so we can sit down with her and share it next weekend. I think you can already tell this is her kitty. Although Peep seems to gravitate towards me 90% of the time.

For those of you who are Christians and of faith. We certainly welcome any prayers on Peep's behalf. I thank you in advance.

Our pets are joys. We are very thankful God has chosen us for this task at hand.
We will walk with Peep through this journey together. The good and the bad.

Great article regarding food. Thanks. Had to look on "Youtube" for Reiki. Never heard of it before. Never a doubt of mine that the body has a life force. Energy or what have you.
Our beloved sweet angel Peep passed away January 22nd. She had a marvelous week with new medication from the oncologist to help her eat, keep swelling down and keeping her vomiting at bay. Had she been able to eat on her own without medicine, she would have started chemotherapy. It would not have been a cure, but a few more months of "better days."

Sadly within days, her health started to decline rapidly. We loved her enough to say goodbye and not put her through anymore care. She had started to feel pain and didn't want us to touch her anymore. With a very heavy heart we had her put down. She laid in my arms and the vet helped our family ease her over to our Heavenly Father.

I want to thank each of you who prayed for her. Our family is so very grateful to have shared our lives with her as part of our family. Her cremated remains are now back with home.

Sorry to hear about your cat. My son's girl friend's cat had a rare disease too about 2 years ago not sure what the name is. She had the cat when she was in school in Washington DC. They took it to the vet since it had bloat. The surgery was going fine until they found lumps inside. The girl friend was devastated since this was her 1st pet.
Thank you for your kind words.

It is really difficult and frustrating when you find out your pet/family companion gets something that is not treatable.
The oncologist office sent a condolence card that meant so much to us. The doctor wrote a very nice sentiment and the others in the office I had never met ( but no doubt treated Peep in the back rooms) thanked us for bringing her to their office for care.

The card also said that a donation will be made in Peep's name to ACVIM Foundation, whose mission is to eliminate animal and human disease by supporting discovery, education, and partnerships throughout the global community of medicine.

ACVIM is the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Our thoughts and prayers to your family. It sounds like Peep had a wonderful time with her family, but it will be joy beyond words when you meet again.
Photo of Peep

For months i have had trouble uploading photos. And I'm thrilled to share a photo of Peep with you. I want to thank all of you for your heartfelt prayers and condolences. She was such a precious gift.
First photo is after December's surgery to find out what the lump was. She was having a great day! Sun bathing and I brought her a favorite toy. She was loving the toy and rolling over in the sun. The second photo is her looking out the window watching the birds and squirrels at the feeder outside.


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