Our fish tank!

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Dot lives forever!
Jan 29, 2009
This is our 150gallon semi-planted freshwater tank. It does have sand in it.

First picture is of the tank itself.

2nd is of my personal favorite fish, a Black Ghost Knife. He is pretty neat, and should eventually get tame enough to hand feed. They are supposed to be on the harder side to keep, so I am crossing my fingers he'll continue to do well for me.

3rd is of a Dwarf German Blue Ram... They are quite pretty in the right light!

and final is the Angel fish... Although he does have nipped fins.

I also have a 30 gallon tank that will be dedicated to different types of Barbs as they cannot go in the community tank!


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beautiful fish!! .... a little creepy but i get creeped out easily :p
Pretty! :)
I wanted a ghost knife, but the largest tank we have is a 40g cichlid tank.. not gonna work.
Thanks guys! I've wanted the ghost for years..but up until recently I only had the 30 gallon tank. Once I finally had a tank big enough for one I had to grab one. They are just a very unique fish... I also have an African Butterfly Fish who is very neat. I'll have to try and get pictures of him!
i got a fighting fish thats been alive for a good amount of time hes spazzy though :)
Bettas can be spazzy, Lola. lol
We have around 15 of them? They're hoots.

I just looked up 'African Butterfly Fish' Holy moly! Reminds me of a Lion fish.
Isn't he neat? I love to watch him eat. I need to watch as if he gets super excited he'll jump out of the water for his food.

I love bettas! Somehow I was voted to take care of our office Betta.. Next on my list is to get him a tank with a filter.
They'll jump out? (Sorry, know nothing about them lol!)
ooooh when i was younger me my brother and sister had goldfish and we went on vacation and his jumped out and died... toatally irelavent but ... :)
Apparently they do jump quite well. From my reading in the wild they'll jump out of the water to grab flies and such off plants that are hanging over the water. I know the fish store I purchased him from had him jump out a few times. He hasn't made it on the floor here, but I need to be careful when feeding as he will jump once in a while to grab the food. I normally just toss his food in and shut the tank top quickly. They are also said to be able to glide quite a distance (5+ feet) when they jump. He is really neat to feed as he stalks his food, and then quickly lunges and grabs it.

He enjoys New Life Spectrum fish food, Crickets and frozen blood worms. I've also been told to catch flies and toss them in to him, as well as house hold spiders (daddy long legs, etc)
I've seen something on TV about flying fish, now I'm hearing about this.
Very neat!
I have the same 150 as you! Just waiting to have it resealed. I had the ghost knife, and butterfly fish, but years and years ago when we had a decent fish store.
We just have the cichlids now, along with school of silver dollars, tiger barbs, clown loaches. LOVE your Angel! They are so cool, and one of my favs too. Eventually once my 150 is redone, I want to take the 90 hex and have angels again.
nice tank Megan! i'm a finkid keeper too (my tanks are in my signature photo).

you just need a background for that tank now. black fabric and adhesive backed velcro works great!
I have been wondering how to get a background on without having to paint it black! Thank you for the tip!

We have 4 3" clown loaches in the tank as well, I love my clowns they are always up to something. I have an upside down catfish, some assorted Cory, some type of eel who hides under the sand, a blood parrot and 4 gourami. I also have one male sword tail, all his buddies died on me. Hubby is bringing home a gold nugget pleco this week as our final addition.

Feel free to share your tank pictures! I think I am becoming addicted and love to look at others tanks!
Nice setup Megs! And very pretty fishies! I have always liked angelfish, they were my faves as a kid when my Dad kept an aquarium. The ghost is very interesting though. I don't think I have ever seen one before.
This is our cichlid tank. Keep in mind, this was suppose to be a natural/serious tank.

Started with some nice Kenyis to kick start a cichlid tank.

Then we find a small blood parrot who no one wanted because of his eye..then we got a blue one. (Knew they were man-made, wasn't too aware of the inhumane way of doing it, though.)


Yes, all serious points are gone, this is our up and coming 'Skittle tank'.
OMG! I have never seen a blue one, and didn't know they existed. We have 3 fatties as I call them, just huge. I admit I know they are man made, but never really read up on how. Beautiful fish! I love watching my guys sift out the gravel, but some of them sure are onry!
Adding, don't you love how the clowns, look like they're dead when they sleep until you tap the glass!
I have a 60 hex in need of repair (I dropped it!) YIKES! Anyhow, I bought a mirror panel for the back, but think I want to do the other 2 sides in back once I repair it. I have a lot of work in need with my tanks, groan. Just don't think I have the skills to believe I can make anything leak proof!
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They're called Jelly beans. We almost got a green one, but it wasn't a nice pet store..and they wanted $20 for it.
They're dyed..different ways of going about it. (Chinnymom told me about this)
Like dipping them in acid, then putting them in the dye, injecting them, etc.
Ughhh how cruel!!! Fish or not, that's just not right! Do admit they are my favorite fish, and can count how many times people see them and ask about my Goldfish!