Our chinchilla is weird!!!

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
ok we have a young mosiac male that we purchased a few months ago lol......the other nite my boyfriend was in bed and was bored so he turned the flash light on....when he did we noticed that mickey started chasing it...we thought it was pretty funny so we tried it with a laser light also and he did it again...does anyone else have this issue??? lol its ammusing and cute but i didnt think they would chase lights lol
My chins just follow laser pointers by looking at them. If if goes on the ceiling, they watch it. They don't chase it. It would be cute if they did, though. My dog, on the other hand, goes crazy for laser pointers. Even knows the sound of it clicking.
lol we didnt no if it was just a random thing or not so the past few nights he kept doing it and once again every night lol he chases it
I have a few chins that sort of play fetch with toys, I have chins that steal everything and hide their treasures in strange places and I have chins that are interested by nothing except a bell.

Chins are just weird little critters. They can't help it. :)

I don't know if I have ever tried a flashlight or laser pointer with them.
My friend's chin refuses to let him throw out an old boot that he has adopted. He ignores some of the other toys, but is totally attached to this army style old boot.
My partner has a light-up lightsaber (yeah I know!) and the chins will follow it everywhere if he waves it at them!! They dont chase it, they just follow the light. It's like the glow hypnotizes them or something heheheh