Oreo & Snickers

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
These are the 2 that I got from Jill & then adopted from Megan & Monika.
They are the 1st chins that I got that have "color". So hopefully I get this correct! Oreo (he was previously named soot) is a Black Velvet just over a year old. And Snickers is a Beige and is about 5. They ar both at pretty good weights with Snickers being the biggest of all my boys at 689
They are like 2 peas in a pod. I love watching them together, they share all their stuff and seem to be okay with it. I do make sure to put 2 of everything in the cage though. They havent quite got the hang of the whole litter box thing but it seems that only 1 in my 7 have got that (yay zucca!)
I took this the other night.


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Oreo & Snickers reminded me that it's time for my afternoon snack! :yes: Michelle, they are 2 cutie pies for sure!
yup snickers is a big boy! he is really a sweetie. just getting ready to give them my special herbal mix that him and oreo devour in minutes!
It's funny because when I rescued him from a petstore, he was just sooooo tiny. He couldn't have been more than 4 weeks old. No kidding. I couldn't believe it. He was in this glass cage with so many other chins and just getting beat up. I had to take him.