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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Los Angeles
I was trying to figure out where I could tell me mom to place her cage. She lives in TX so it's always hot there. SO she normally 90% of the time has her central A/C on in the house. Is it possible to buy a heater type thing for the cage?

Like this one:


Thxs :D
Texas is funny that way... hot outdoors, but soooo air conditioned anytime you go inside. At least that was my experience... glasses fogged up each time I walked out of work, grocery stores, etc...

So, yeah, getting a heater would be a good idea. Probably the best way to go is to get a plastic bottom/wire top cage and use a ceramic heat emitter hooked up to a thermostat (rather than a rheostat... there are Repti-Temp versions of both kinds). That way the heat is just isolated to the cage rather than heating up the whole room.
I agree with the ceramic heat emitter. Make sure it has a thermostat so you can monitor the temperature, because you don't want it to get too hot either.
I hope you're talking about for the hedgies!! The chins could be at 60 and they'd be as happy as a pig in poop!! I don't think many keep their A/C that cold!!
Rick, since the post was made in hedgie chat, I think its safe to assume its a hedgehog and not a chin.

I have a question though. Have you tested the temperature of where the hedgehog's cage will be? Does mom keep the house colder than 72? Just wondering, because we use the AC often during the hot humid part of summer (although this summer has been cold) and don't have any problems with them getting too cold. It's never a bad idea to be prepared, just in case, but you may find you don't need it.
I live in Florida where its SUPER HOT and humid all the time! So I know how she feels. Most of us keep the A/C running between 69-72* but that is to bring the rest of the house down to about 75ish*. Right now I run my air at 75* and where the cages are at its about 78* so you should definitely consider checking out the temperature where the cage is going to be first. You may be surprised at the difference in what it actually is and what your mother sets the air at.