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Congratulations!!! She's beautiful! Hoping for a quick/smooth recovery for you! :D
Congrats, Alli! She is absolutely precious...I'm sorry to hear you did not have the labor&delivery that you had hoped for, but as you said the most important thing is that you are both healthy. I can't wait to see more pics of her :)
Geesh, I can't believe Annamarie is already 18 days old. The time really flies by. We've been really blessed, as she's a very easy going baby. We co-sleep currently since it works best for us and she regularly sleeps about 6 hours at a time at night. During the day she feeds at least every 2 hours, but that I can handle a lot easier than night feedings. I have a feeling if we move her to her bassinet she'll sleep shorter increments so I'm putting that off... I don't function well on little sleep...

Anyways, I had a request to post more pictures, so here some are!



I think this one looks hilarious, she looks like a little old man
OH my goodness Alli. Thanks for the newborn baby girl pics! I needed a fix. Is it possible to get baby fever while pregnant? I'm not sure, but seeing these pictures just made me want my baby girl here, like, tomorrow. She's adorable and I especially love the first picture! What a little doll! And yes, the last picture she totally looks like a little old man taking a poo.
Haha Alli, you learn to cope, like by sleeping in later! She's adorable.

Yeah, unfortunately that wouldn't work for my husband though! Since she's in our room he tends to wake up when I feed her, I need to turn on the lamp to get her situated. And, sleeping for at least 4 or 5 hours at a minimum at a time is definitely nicer than sleeping in for me.
Yeah, unfortunately that wouldn't work for my husband though! Since she's in our room he tends to wake up when I feed her, I need to turn on the lamp to get her situated. And, sleeping for at least 4 or 5 hours at a minimum at a time is definitely nicer than sleeping in for me.

That stinks. Keith manages to stay asleep (somehow) when Cassi wakes up. I wish Cassi would start sleeping well again. We're on a schedule of 11PM, 3 AM, 6 AM, 8AM up for the day!
She is SO freakin cute! Co-sleeping DOES help babies sleep longer IMO...but it CAN be dangerous so be as safe as possible. Hard surfaces w/no suffocation hazards (loose blankets/pillows) I'll be honest, I co-slept with BOTH my babies. I LOVED it especially when breastfeeding. Something I didn't know with my first child is that breastfeeding produces a "feel good...relaxing" chemical/hormone that can cause drowsiness in the mother (and child). Anyhow, it worked for me. I STILL co-sleep with my son...as he seems to want it more than my younger daughter. New studies DO show no adverse psychological or social impact on youngersters so :) go for it if it works for you. I think too many irresponsible parents have contributed to the "don't do it" attitude and it really has a stigma now. I get the dangers...I do and I'm not downplaying...but I LOVED co-sleeping and it DOES work for SOME. Best of luck, whatever you decide, with your new sweet-pea!
Co-sleeping is safe if you take the proper precautions. Most infants who have died from it had parents under the influence of something. It also reduces the risk of SIDS. I sleep on my back and don't move, it's how I've always slept (except when pregnant and couldn't), and she's not next to my husband who does roll around.

Anyways, if you think about it, the baby has been inside/near you for 10 months, to put them in a different room can be traumatic for them. Many cultures sleep with their infants, I think the US tends to be a bit over-zealous in protecting against the what-ifs. But you'll always have the idiots who ruin it for others and give something a bad name.
Absolutely precious little girl you have there, Alli :)

Speaking of the dangers of co-sleeping: I actually work with a guy who had a newborn baby and they were co-sleeping. His wife wasn't under the influence or anything like that, but she did suffocate the baby. After hearing that story from him, I wouldn't take the chance of co-sleeping. Seems like too much of a risk for me, but each parent has to make their own decisions on what is right for themselves and their baby.
Congrats Alli, she is absolutely beautiful!! Hope you're doing well too!
well, I certainly didn't intend for this thread to become a debate on co-sleeping, but I understand that by putting myself out there I will get criticism, it's not new to me, I tend to be different than a lot of people I find on forums.

In either case, as I said, co-sleeping can be safe. Proper precautions should be taken, and as with anything, there can be that random event where something bad does occur. Babies die in cribs too. I know myself and how I sleep (as I've slept the same way for years), and I know my baby, so I feel comfortable doing this for now. We are intending to transition her to the bassinet anyways, but for now this has allowed us to get the sleep we need. I know many people who co-sleep, it just depends on the crowd you're with, it's very prevalent in the more "crunchy" families.
it's very prevalent in the more "crunchy" families.

Yay for crunchy peeps! :))

I hope you're able to transition her to a bassinet during the day. I have a beautiful bassinet here that was mine as a baby. I loved it! Of course, neither daughter would have anything to do with it. Harumph. Oh well, its stored away, I refuse to part with it. If I don't have #3, then perhaps the grandkids will be more obedient and sleep in it!
Remy coslept for 18 months. You'll have pro-cosleepers and those who are against it. YOU do what feels right for YOU!

How is breastfeeding going anyways, btw?
Cassi usually sleeps in bed with me starting around her last nighttime feeding(5-6am), since we know Keith will be headed to work soon. I know we can't when Keith is still asleep because he rolls and moves around like crazy and our bed isn't big enough for me to comfortably sleep with her on the outside of it. Everyone does what works for them to keep their babies healthy and happy.
when we were breast feeding I would sleep with Clara until my husband came to bed He thrashes and has left bruises on me in his sleep so I didn't sleep with Clara when he is in bed but even now not nursing we nap together and in the morning she joins me to sleep so that I can get a little more sleep, long nights since My husband sleeps through her waking up but I sure don't :)

Everyone has thier own methods and in the end you need to raise your children the way you want to. It is your life and your family and no one else can say what works for you. My sister co-slept with all 3 of her kids. It works for her.
Remy coslept for 18 months. You'll have pro-cosleepers and those who are against it. YOU do what feels right for YOU!

How is breastfeeding going anyways, btw?

Exactly, it's the same with any parenting issue.

BFing is going really well! It was a struggle in the hospital with all the nurses giving differing advice, but we're doing good now. We're having to use a shield, but I hope to wean off of it once she gets a bit bigger.

I put her in my Moby-style wrap today that I made, what a great thing! I love that I can carry her hands free :D and she sleeps well in it.
Oh I LOVED the moby. Well it was technically a "lovey duds" but same concept!

And SO glad nursing is going well for you. I wasn't sure how high on your priority list it was, and for those who have it at the bottom of their list, then who find it hard often give up. I'm glad you didn't! Our first few days were rough too, but after the first week it was peachy keen. It's sooooo worth it. The fact you nourished them for 9 months on the inside and now you're keeping her nourished out the outside is an amazing feeling.