? on Chin problem I"m having

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Yes printing this hole thread is mosty definately going to happen [my vet will probably hate me....] anyways, when Noel got a second opinion last year, we went through the back door so to speak, so they don't have records on her. If they did i would of used it against the first vet when turning him in. Some one that works at a vets office that does pocket pets took her in and pretended it was her pet so there was no charge so no records.

Okay i was gonna order the supplement from Ryersons, however for a $2 back of it, the shipping is $9, now I don't want to sound like I dont' care about her cuz I do deeping, but that much shipping on a $2 item is outrageous, so I'm going to ask if anyone has any that I can buy from them, not alot, just enough to help Noel out [i'm in usa, ny]. If not i'll have to get it from ryersons.

Let me ask this, i wouldn't be asking if all this could be a possibility that No NO is going through this because of Angel.

Angel is actually 7 weeks [checked the calendar this am] and she weighs 257 grams. So would it be okay to put Angel in her own cage in case that is why mom has lost so much weight, or is that a bad idea? I would hate to separate them in case Noel won't accept her back as a cagement when she gets better, but if this is what needs to be done to help her get better than it has to be done..healthy always comes first with my guys.

Many people wean babies at 6 weeks, as long as they're at least 200 grams, so Angel would probably be okay in a separate cage so you can focus on getting Noel better...
Many people wean babies at 6 weeks, as long as they're at least 200 grams, so Angel would probably be okay in a separate cage so you can focus on getting Noel better...

Great thanks.. Just went in the chin room [got some cute pics i'll put up when this is over] but did want to say, while in there I handed her pellets and she took them and ate them without a problem. She took about 6. I know that's not alot, I just wanted to see if she would eat the pellets and eat more than just a few. So I'm thinking this is odd. Why would she take them out of my hand, but not eat them out of the bowl.. Could it because of Angel. I mean, maybe she's an overbaring, overprotective mother and wants to make sure her baby gets enough of everything...Does that every happen or am I really nuts on that one? [i might of worded that wrong, but hopefully you understand what i mean]

Jean, this is a supplement I found in the Breeding & Babies FAQ's:

As an added nutritional boost, you can place the following formula that the JAGS developed in the cage with mom and the babies. Moms seem to enjoy it just as much as the kits. Be sure to provide hay, pellets, and fresh water along with this formula.

1 part calf or goat milk replacer (a dry formula-purchase at a feed store)
1 part crushed pellets
1 part 50/50 mixture of dry rice and oatmeal baby cereal

(Tip - A coffee grinder makes quick work of the pellets.)
Since the kit is already 7 weeks and over 200 grams, I would separate them. It could be that the kit is still nursing enough to put a drain on momma's system, hence the weight loss. I have girls that lose weight the entire time that they are nursing young. I would keep track of both of their weights for a couple of weeks. Good luck.
Chinmama: thanks so much, I have all that stuff, so i will make a mix and put it in Noel's cage.

Just to let everyone know and a question:

I did put Angel in her own cage [boy iIm glad I'm a packrat when it comes to chin stuff].

Now, is it okay to put her cage near Noels, or would that still be bad and should I place her cage away from mommy.

Okay so since I was in there fixing up a new cage, once again I handed some more pellets to Noel and once again she ate them all fine. So with that information, do you guys still think I should get the xrays done or wait a few days to see what happens? I would appreciate an answer today, not being rude, but because I would have to cancel the apt. and don't want to wait until the last minute to cancel it.

I took a picture of ANgel's cage, but I'm having a problem with photobucket and can't upload it, I don't know if it's me or if because they made some changes that I can't upload it. I know its not important, but since i'm here, does anyone know what's going on with photobucket?

Well it looks like she can eat pellets with no problem which underlines the suspicion that you're being taken for a ride. She's not eating pellets because she's full of goodies.

I have to say I am a little confused that Noel has had Xrays and bloods and you have no record of them - the whole purpose of getting tests is to have them to rule out problems and also so that they become a "baseline" for comparison if anything happens later on. It really is a pity there's nothing to refer back to now. You will not be able to see if the roots have changed at all or if anything else has happened.

We cannot tell you whether to go to the vets or not - at the end of the day, you have to be comfortable with your decision and if you would be happier with Xrays then have them done. I will add in, though, that having a litter can exacerbate (make worse) tooth problems due to the calcium requirements of the pregnancy and milk production.

Whatever you decide to do I would stick to pellets and hay only for now - no treats what-so-ever and any supplement ONCE A WEEK only - a level teaspoon or less - a pinch is perfect.
You need her back on a staple diet and anything you introduce which takes her away from eating pellets is a bad thing.
Weigh her twice a week and see what happens with her weight.

Good luck with your decision.
okay claire,

since she will eat pellets from my hand with no problems at all, i'm gonna cancel my vet appt and keep angel out of her cage and also keep a close on her for a day or two. If her weight pluments, i will reschedule her vet appt.

i will kept you guys updated.


Well we went to the vet today, and the vet told me that in order to get the x-rays done, they have to knock her out. That scares me, does everyone's vet do this? Anyways, they will be taking 3 x-rays.

Also, Noel decided to eat some on her own again yesterday and when she went poop it was soft, so I asked the vet to check her poop just in case something shows up there. Can't play it too safe with these guys. If all that comes out negative, when the vet calls me, I'll have her do bloodwork.

So when I hear back from the vet I will let you know how the x-rays came out.

Ok thanks guys for letting me know. I'm such a wuss, I'm so afraid she'll have a bad reaction and die. I always cry when I have to leave a pet at the vet and so I'm in tears waiting for the vet to call and let me know she made it okay. It's 2:30 my time and I left her there around 11 am this morning my time. I know she said they were very busy today, and short a vet again this week [must be vacation time] so I probably still won't hear back for a few hours.

I just want to say thanks everyone for all your input on this one. It's makes me feel all cozy inside knowing that so many people out there in this world still do care about animals whether or not they are theirs or someone elses.:hug:

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Another update.

I just got home with Noel. My vet gave me a great compliment [this was a different vet in the same office with the other vet I usually see], with all the chins she has seen, no other chin has had great teeth like Noels.. Made me feel good. Anyways, her roots are great [that gut instinct is usually right, but at least I have peace of mind]. So I asked about the bloodwork and because they were able to take the x-rays without knocking her out, they didn't get blood work. SHe said I would have to come back, I asked her about a broad sprectrum med for infection, but she really didn't want to give Noel Baytril because she's already not eating good. She wants to treat her for the soft poop, keep an eye on Noel, and then if that doesn't work go back. I did tell her when all this started she didn't have soft pooh, but she thinks that's the best thing to start with.

Oh yah, they checked the poop for parasites and giaria and saw nothing wrong with her poop.

I was so happy to see my baby again.

I'm glad that they didn't find anything. :)

Thanks so much... I am too. I just wish I knew what was wrong.. and how it passed to all the chins.. I'm wondering if it was because of the bathhouse.. I have to take all the dust out and wash it good. I will definately use clorox to get all the germs out.. That's the only way i can figure it passed to all the chins. Angel [my 8 week kit] is fine and she's back with mommy, so that's why i think it spread through the dust bath. Angel still isn't interested in one, so that could be why [at least that's what i'm thinking but of course could be wrong] that she is fine. I'm glad she doesn't have it because she is sooo young. so no baths until they get better [yes i know that isn't nice, but i only have one dust bath and i'm keeping them in their cages too just to make sure it can't be spread through the common area of the room where they all come out for exercise]. I do feel bad about them not being able to take baths or come out, I just need to really be cautious here.
