I heart Leonard
Today is cage cleaning/touch up day. All litter pans were dumped, cleaned out, washed and refilled, new liners to go into the cage. After getting liners out of the closet I go into my room and look into Mick's cage and can't see him! The doors are locked tight no chance for escape. I ask Stewart if he has him, NO! Stewart does not have him! OMG! Where can he be? He's not in his tube or his house! This is the empty cage!
Yes I am freaking out until I see this!
What a little ****er hiding behind his coffin! Silly Mick! Vampire chinnies are supposed to sleep IN their coffin not behind it!

Yes I am freaking out until I see this!

What a little ****er hiding behind his coffin! Silly Mick! Vampire chinnies are supposed to sleep IN their coffin not behind it!