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Hello, I am technically a first time hedgie owner, but I've had my little guy Ppunk for quite awhile now. I realized today that he is getting to be quite old, over 5 years. He's lived a very healthy life thus far, despite having a teenage first time owner who perhaps didn't always know what she was doing.
He's never really had any major illnesses, no problem with dry skin (I'm picky with shampoo during baths) and as far as I'm aware has never had any mites. Even his poop has remained relatively healthy and unchanging, with a few times where it's gotten a slight green tint, but went back to normal before I even did anything. I took him to the vet not too long ago when I was having trouble with his nails, but she said despite his crankiness with new people he was very healthy.
I suppose my question is if there is anything to do for an already healthy older hedgehog just to make their life a little easier and perhaps longer and healthier. I've noticed he sleeps much more, and doesn't run on his wheel for hours straight but instead takes frequent breaks, or hardly runs on it at all. I've considered slowly introducing more wet food in his diet, incase his teeth slowly start to give way to his usual hard hedgie food.
As I'm sure you all have the same feelings for yours, but I adore my little guy. He's had a long life but I know I'll be devastated when he goes within the next few years. I've had lots of pets, but he has been really special to me while I made that awkward transition from bratty teenager to adulthood.
Sorry for the short essay post. Thanks for any input!
I suppose my question is if there is anything to do for an already healthy older hedgehog just to make their life a little easier and perhaps longer and healthier. I've noticed he sleeps much more, and doesn't run on his wheel for hours straight but instead takes frequent breaks, or hardly runs on it at all. I've considered slowly introducing more wet food in his diet, incase his teeth slowly start to give way to his usual hard hedgie food.
As I'm sure you all have the same feelings for yours, but I adore my little guy. He's had a long life but I know I'll be devastated when he goes within the next few years. I've had lots of pets, but he has been really special to me while I made that awkward transition from bratty teenager to adulthood.
Sorry for the short essay post. Thanks for any input!