Master of the Fuzzies
this thread was too long for me to read but it sounds like the guy is a victim of his own doing. I think he has made himself retarded.:hilarious::rofl:
this thread was too long for me to read but it sounds like the guy is a victim of his own doing. I think he has made himself retarded.
this thread was too long for me to read but it sounds like the guy is a victim of his own doing. I think he has made himself retarded.
thats what i think too. only someone that has lost most of their brain cells would even consider doing anything that might piss me off, and THAT did WAY more than piss me off! why would you do something that you know i'm going to kill you for? obviously he had a death wish, but i guess if my life sucked so bad that i could only cope with it by being high all the time, i'd prolly want to die too. BTW, this thread should prolly be moved to the chin debate forum now, we kind of got off track a little didnt we?oh yeah, and i dont care if people want to kill their brain cells by doing things that are bad for them, i do not judge and i am all for medical marijuana when there is a valid reason like cancer or aids and you are on your way out anyway and you want to do it comfortably, but dont force it on others and next time you want to get your animal high, think of this: would you give drugs to an infant? what about a todler? or a small child or even a teen? if you answered yes to this question, you should be slapped and thrown in jail to rot with chi-mo's and murderers. If you answered no, yet you get your animal high, tell me, what exactly is the difference?
I am suprised there are actually people who think its "OK" to give animals drugs, I would have thought this thread the answer would have be "Are you nuts". Guess I live a sheltered life, I never would have thought that there would be open discussion on a chinchilla forum about drug use on pets and some think its not going to hurt them, when someone actually has a conversation with a pet and can record it and play it back where the pet say's yeah cool then maybe my tune will change.
Very good points.At that point it comes down to the human's decision on whether he thinks the effects are worth the side-effects. Perhaps someone trying to help a stressed out hyper little border collie relax for a bit might be a better thing than someone just getting their labrador drunk.
I am suprised there are actually people who think its "OK" to give animals drugs, I would have thought this thread the answer would have be "Are you nuts". Guess I live a sheltered life, I never would have thought that there would be open discussion on a chinchilla forum about drug use on pets and some think its not going to hurt them, when someone actually has a conversation with a pet and can record it and play it back where the pet say's yeah cool then maybe my tune will change.
Maybe this post was missed by you?
Very good points. At that point it comes down to the human's decision on whether he thinks the effects are worth the side-effects. Perhaps someone trying to help a stressed out hyper little border collie relax for a bit might be a better thing than someone just getting their labrador drunk.
I don't know why a debate should start in the health section when a owner was asking if pot smoke can hurt a chin, why play devils advocate unless you believe what you are debating, that its ok to get a hyper dog drunk.
one thing i did notice yesterday is that they didnt eat as much as normal. maybe cause they dont eat when they're stressed out? that would make sense cause they are so easily stressed it was probably scary for them to be stoned and not know why or what was happening. my poor babies!!!they're eating fine today.
my sister said that she has had dogs come in that are vomiting uncontrollably from alcohol poisoning and from eating pain pills that people have left out on a table and all sorts of stuff.