Now THIS is a horrible story

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I'm so sorry, Tab. What a horrible thing to have to deal with.
Thank you everyone. The support from everyone on the forum really helps me get through these hard times and I can't tell you all how grateful I am that you're here.

The three babies are doing very well. I went to check on them now and Ace kacked at me and tried to chase me out of the cage away from "her" babies. All three babies were snuggled with her and one baby was turned upside underneath her nursing or attempting to nurse. I'm not sure that she has milk right now but she did have a little earlier. I'm going to keep an eye on them throughout the night to make sure nothing happens.
I had a chin chew herself, too. It's horrible. I'm sorry.
Tab, I'm sorry and I really hope you try your best to keep from beating yourself up too much. It sounds like the foster mom is taking to the kits so hopefully things start looking up for you. Feel free to talk to us about it in chat if you feel down. We are always there for you.
Awww Tab I'm sorry hun! Good luck to Ace, I'm sure she can keep those babies going for you. Lots of hugs coming your way, and plenty of good thoughts going out to everyone. You guys are getting slammed this year in breeding it seems like.
:grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss, and the horrible experiences you've been going through lately. I'm glad your friends are here to give you comfort. Best of luck to your little babies and their foster momma and also to the rest of your Z-kins to come. I sincerely hope the tides of 2010 change for you and yours for the better.
I am so sorry for your loss, Tab. :hug:

Words seem so inadequate at times - this is definitely one of them.
Thinking of you & your chins.
I am so sorry for your losses. I really hope that this will give all of those people who want to throw chins together to have cute kits and "witness the miracle of birth" pause...things can and do go terribly wrong...Hugs.
I am so utterly sorry, Tab. Imagine how much worse that would've been for someone who is not experienced. It doesn't make your loss any easier, but please know, there are people reading this and I really hope they take a step back and realize they are not invincible from the bad side of breeding.
Much love, hugs, and prayers to you, Ace, and the babies.
RIP sweet, beautiful Mini.
So, Ace has officially adopted the babies as her own. I took them all out this morning to inspect for bite marks and to feel bellies to see if they were full. I know Ace had milk yesterday when I checked her after I found her baby. So I checked babies and two tummies are full and hard and Tiny's tummy is a little soft like he isn't eating as much...I think it's because he misses Mini. As I was putting the kits back in the cage Ace was running over to them and grooming each kit as I put them back. She'd clean them, make them squeak and then grab their little butts so she could shove them underneath her. She's being a great mom to them. I attached a picture of her sitting on the babies. You can see one of the chubby babies nursing, lol.

Tab I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It must be quite a relief though that Ace has adopted these three so readily, hopefully little Tiny will start to eat better. Ace has that, back off they are mine look about her though.
I'm so happy they are her babies now. She is going to be a good mommy to them. Great picture of Ace and her little fuzzy butts.