Bekks and Zie, that was my initial reaction to Angie's post as well, but thinking about it, I think I may see what she means. It definitely depends on the type of self-injurer. For some, it is something done for attention and can be moved on from easily. For others, it is a narcotic that can be as addicting as many foreign substances. Most former meth users, once they've cleaned up, will say they will always be addicts. If a self-harm becomes an addiction like meth, it might be fair to say that one can never be truly cured of the addiction.
I have to disagree with you here. As I said above, there are two real "types" of self-injurers, at least from my experience. Those who do it to keep to themselves, and those who seek attention. I've know both. This guy seems to be an attention-motivated injurer and is probably not going to cause serious damage to his body, but (assuming you are in school with him) the best thing you can do is alert a school counselor and move on. I repeat move on. Not just from him, but from anyone associated with behavior you think harmful.
This I quote simply because it is the best piece of advice I've seen in this thread. My advice to you would be this, next weekend, turn off your phone, computer and television. Do not talk to your friends from school, or friends on the internet. Use the two days to think, really really think, about who you are and who you want to be.
Thank you. I was going to say that they way it was written was not the way I had meant it to say. But you cleared that up for me.