now hes cutting...because of me...

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Michelle (:

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Well I broke up with my boyfriend last tuesday...and since then, there have been these guys who just wont leave me alone. One of them being one of my good friends. He told me that he really liked me and wanted to date me and has been asking me out everyday since the breakup. Well we hung out today with one of my other friends and he kept putting the moves on me and I kept pushing away telling him to stop. He got home and was texting me how he was so heartbroken that I wont date him and how he wont ever find a girl as good as me...he told me he was depressed and couldnt stop crying and then he sent me a was of his leg and it was all bloody and cut up and he told me he doesnt take rejection well. My heart dropped and I couldnt breath and I bursted in tears. I just dont know what to do...I swore not to tell because he thinks its not a big deal but I know I should...he promised he would stop if it would make me not cry...but I doubt that will happen. I'm just so sad and cant belive hes doing this to himself because of me...

Thanks for listening....I just have no one to tell this story too who I can trust...
I think it would be OK to tell hime that you're not really interested in him, and that cutting himself is not going to MAKE you interested in him.

AND, that if he continues this behavior, that you will feel it necessary to tell your school nurse.

Don't let his behavior manipulate you into something you do not want.
OK, seriously, do you really believe the load of crap this guy is feeding you? If he's a cutter, he'll always be one. OR he did it that one time trying to make you get with him. I would tell his parents even if he gets mad at you. True friends will thank you once they realize how stupid they are acting.

Also, if you knew he was so into you, why would you invite him to come over and hang out? That there spells drama.
No he's not cutting b/c of you; he's cutting because he's attention-seeking in whatever ways he can think of. I'd stop hanging out with people who can't think of what you might want or need after a break up because of their own need to be validated/the center of attention. Ime, they're not worth the effort it takes to stay sane while you're around them.
My sister gets herself into these guy situations all the time because she gives off mixed signals unknowingly. So firstly, be sure you're not doing that with anyone!

Secondly, don't give into him because he is doing this.. but don't ignore him completely. He obviously has deeper issues other than girls rejecting him & maybe he needs you there as a friend. I would talk to someone if this isn't a one time thing for him (as in this is him trying to put on a show so you feel bad and date him) and if he seems consistently depressed or continues the behavior. Tell any adult that will listen, you can trust, and can help HIM out. If you have guidance counselors at your high school or whatever you can tell one of them to talk him or a school nurse.
Oh my.. i feel for you. Just to let you know, what he did to himself is not because of ANYTHING you could ever have done. People who cut do it because of a serious psycho pathological issue. In any case, please protect yourself. It seems that he is obviously not in a 'good' place right now. You can't really promise not to tell on him because what he is doing is dangerous not only to himself but others. If you value him as a friend the best thing you can do is to tell him that you do care, just not in a relationship type sense, but that you want to help him. Maybe get him in touch with some counseling programs or if you think that problem is very very serious, call for an emergency unit. Please take care, I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this.
You really need to get over yourself. He's not cutting because of you, he's cutting because he has deep psychological problems. Believe it or not, YOU don't have that kind of power over other people. You really need to take a step back and look at the type of people you are hanging around.
I totally agree with what menagerie said, you need to step back and figure out why you're hanging around with the crowd that you are. It seems to be drama after drama after drama.
If he's cutting, it's a deeper issue than you rejecting him. And I don't think that this is something to be kept to yourself. I've been depressed, not to that point, but either way, I wish someone had been there to talk to. I think that you need to tell someone about his acts because by telling someone, he can get help. Keeping it in isn't going to help him.

And, I think in your last thread, people gave solid advice by telling you to stop with the boys for a while. I think you should just stop hanging around with these people who act attracted to you. Perhaps you like the attention, and in that way keep them going and acting that way, but honestly, it's doing more damage than good. From the threads that you've posted, I seriously believe that you must be doing something to draw these types of guys in. There's no way that just by chance all of these guys with psychological issues just happen to like you. Perhaps they give you attention so you flirt with them. I don't know because I don't know you, but honestly, you need to take a step back from the guys.
I agree, he's not cutting because of you. There are much deeper issues there than rejection. At this point the best things you could do for him are keep your distance (because you are obviously giving off some sort of signal) and tell someone (like his parents or school guidance counselor) so that he can get help.

If he's a cutter, he'll always be one. .
Not true.
I don't really know you and I don't think we've had any interaction at all thus far (though your chinnie boys are sweet), but I feel as though the only way you're going to take heed of what anyone shares with you is to be blunt. And that's what I'm going to do.

At 15 years old you should not have to deal with what you're dealing with. However, that being said, you're not a "victim" here and I'm not going to treat you as one. From reading your prior posts it is obvious that you are getting something out of being the "victim." The controlling boyfriend, the "cutter," the constant onslaught of suitors...the common denominator here is you. What is it that you get out of being in situations such as those? What are you getting out of being the constant "victim?"

A boyfriend that is controlling is a dangerous thing. Women should be respected and someone who is obsessive and controlling is someone who is potentially dangerous. Domestic violence and dating violence is a very serious matter and I'm sorry that you had to deal with being in a relationship with someone who was not conscious of your wants and needs (or who chose not to acknowledge them). The advice and support you received here was spot on and I'm relieved to know that you have since taken a stand for yourself and walked away from the relationship. But, some of that advice also came with a very wise warning: take some time for yourself...without boys and without relationships. The people who gave that support and advice, in many instances, have many years of experience on you. They also had the ability to see the situation objectively and without the emotional filter that you and those close to you looked through. And, that being said, they saw a reason to advise you to steer clear of relationships. So why is it that you jumped from one bed to another (figuratively, of course)? What does being in a relationship do for you? Why do you feel you need the attention from boys? Is it insecurity? Fear? Again, what does getting involved with boys give you that you feel you need?

Now, about the "cutter." I am not a self-injurer nor have I ever been. But, from what I know about self-injury I am confident to say that someone who is truly harming themselves will not take a picture of it to send via text message as a means of threatening another person into caring about them. Self-injurious behavior is a private, shameful matter. It's not one that someone would announce willy-nilly. Once again, it sounds as though you are dealing with someone who is manipulating you. And until you are mature enough -- and age goes a long way here -- to see through manipulation and provocative behavior you should not be in a "serious" relationship. However, regardless of whether this boy is cutting himself as a means of wooing you or as part of mental illness, he needs help. And you need to be grown up enough to talk to an adult about this.

You're so young yet. And, honestly, to my eye you seem incredibly naive. I don't know if you're even able to fully comprehend the danger your putting yourself in. And it's not just the obvious. What is this doing to your self esteem? How is this constant drama affecting you on a deeper level? And until you're able to answer those questions and more I sincerely hope you make the decision to take a step back and work on being a teenager again instead of a very foolish adult. It's not a criticism of you -- you are a child yet...whether you want to believe it or not. And with all that is going on around you I can't help but wonder where your parents are. In my opinion they need to take a good, hard look at what's going on, step in, get you some help, and then work with you to help you mature into the amazing young woman you can be. You have a lot of potential and you're far from incapable, but you are also just a child and I think you're a child with some issues that need to be worked out before something more serious comes fruition.

Nothing I said here is to be mean. I'm not misunderstanding your situation. I was a teenager once and it wasn't even that long ago. But I also have much more life experience than you and I truly feel that you need to change this behavior or else you're going to run into some major trouble down the road. And I don't think any of us want to read a thread 6 months from now telling us that x, y, and z has now happened. I'm harsh because I care -- regardless of whether I know you or not. And there are others here who care as well. But now it's time to take care of yourself and I really hope you're willing to do that. And, maybe even more than that I hope you're parents are willing to do that with you. These issues as a 15 year old aren't appropriate for a chinchilla forum -- they warrant some care on consideration from those who know and can help you in real time. I truly do hope you get that help...
I agree, you need to just tell him you are not interested in him.

As someone else said, he's doing it for attention and common sense only says that boys like that are complete trouble. I don't have experience, but from watching friends of mine go through relationship after relationship and seeing the different types of boys they would date, the drama and attention seeking boys were the worst.

If he's a cutter, he'll always be one.

Totally and completely untrue.
You say you don't have anyone else you can "trust" to tell this to yet you post this for the whole world to see. All you do now is complain on these forums. It really looks like you're looking for someone to fix your problems for you, if you stop dating these idiots, or actually just stop dating until you're mature enough, BOOM theres your fix.
I agree with Alleigh, Michelle. You DO seem to go from one weird guy to the next, to the next, to the next, etc. with very little break in between. STOP IT and look into being with yourself for a while.
I am not a self-injurer nor have I ever been. But, from what I know about self-injury I am confident to say that someone who is truly harming themselves will not take a picture of it to send via text message as a means of threatening another person into caring about them. Self-injurious behavior is a private, shameful matter.
Not true about them keeping it private, I worked 3 years in a residential facility for those with mental illness and this was a common occurrence. I'm pretty sure there are other signs of mental illness with this person, he needs professional help and is in no condition and completely incapable of normal social relationships right now.
If he's a cutter, he'll always be one.
Not true.
Totally and completely untrue.

Bekks and Zie, that was my initial reaction to Angie's post as well, but thinking about it, I think I may see what she means. It definitely depends on the type of self-injurer. For some, it is something done for attention and can be moved on from easily. For others, it is a narcotic that can be as addicting as many foreign substances. Most former meth users, once they've cleaned up, will say they will always be addicts. If a self-harm becomes an addiction like meth, it might be fair to say that one can never be truly cured of the addiction.

Now, about the "cutter." I am not a self-injurer nor have I ever been. But, from what I know about self-injury I am confident to say that someone who is truly harming themselves will not take a picture of it to send via text message as a means of threatening another person into caring about them. Self-injurious behavior is a private, shameful matter. It's not one that someone would announce willy-nilly.

I have to disagree with you here. As I said above, there are two real "types" of self-injurers, at least from my experience. Those who do it to keep to themselves, and those who seek attention. I've know both. This guy seems to be an attention-motivated injurer and is probably not going to cause serious damage to his body, but (assuming you are in school with him) the best thing you can do is alert a school counselor and move on. I repeat move on. Not just from him, but from anyone associated with behavior you think harmful.

STOP IT and look into being with yourself for a while.

This I quote simply because it is the best piece of advice I've seen in this thread. My advice to you would be this, next weekend, turn off your phone, computer and television. Do not talk to your friends from school, or friends on the internet. Use the two days to think, really really think, about who you are and who you want to be.
I agree with what everyone else said. This guy will never do you any good. Believe me, I remember being your age, and as you may think it is the end of the world breaking up with someone, it isn't. Don't put yourself around people like that, it is not fair to you.
You need to talk to a guidance counselor at your school about this. You're probably at school now, so do it tomorrow. I know that you probably don't want to, and that he will probably say something to you after like "you've ruined my life", but it needs to be done. You need to tell them that your ex's psychotic behavior is negatively affecting you, and you cannot concentrate while he is sending you pictures of him cutting himself, which he blames you for.

This happened to one of my friends and it nearly destroyed her. She's a sweet girl who would never harm a fly, and it killed her to have someone say to her "I'm going to kill myself if you break up with me".

And please stop dating for the time being. This doesn't mean a week or a month, it means a year at the least. Take up karate or something.
I just read the title to your post and had to jump in. He is not cutting because of you. He is cutting because of him. He is responsible for his own actions.

People cut themselves as a means of coping... albeit, a maladaptive means. To show it to you right afterwards with the implication that you caused it is manipulative. That's the action of someone trying to use guilt to control another person.

I'm very sorry that he is sick in this way. I hope that he'll learn better ways of coping with tough situations in the future. He needs some help.

And I'm sorry that you were feeling responsible. You're not responsible. It is not your fault. It's not you.

This is one of those situations where it's okay to tell someone even if you've promised not to. It's the same rules that medical doctors, psychologists, and other counselors go by: you can keep things secret unless something is going on that poses a threat to one's self or others. Bring the pic (if you still have it) to someone in authority - if you're in school, go to counselor, nurse, dean, or principal; if you're out of school, you can go to the police.
Maybe I'm old fashioned.. but I didn't date anyone when I was 15....

The purpose of dating is to find a mate, I just don't think that people need a mate at 15. You can't drive, you can't buy cigarettes, and you can't buy alcohol, you can even vote, or go to a R rated movie... The general public set these age limits to make LIFE CHOICES, but there is no age limit on how old you need to be to ruin your life in a crappy relationship.

I agree with everyone who said you need to look at your life, and find some new friends.
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