Not sure what is wrong...advice?

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Dec 21, 2016
My 'sleepy' chin may have taken a turn for the worst. What I thought was him finally warming up to me may have been his way of saying "I'm not well". He is still eating, but slowly (I gave him critical care along with orchard grass and a raisin and instead of inhaling it, him nibbled.) And he is still drinking (fresh water). Also has normal poo. Problem is that he is more so lethargic and stays at the bottom of his cage. When I hold him, he nuzzles up close to my lap or under my neck, shifting occasionally, but stays until I move him. He gets small bursts of energy where he hops a little but has trouble making jumps to low platforms 50% of the time. He even tried to hop off of my shoulder today before I stopped him and he nuzzle back up. I am worried that he perhaps sprained his leg some how, as he is not consinstant in any symptoms of illness or major injury, and is taking his own time to recover. I say sprain because I touched from hip to foot and he didn't pull away or make any noise. I also know that to be 90% sure of anything I would need him seen by a vet, unfortunately I can not afford to take him until next paycheck (unless someone knows of a bill me later vet near cleveland?) Not trying to complain about my situation. I want to help him as best I can with what I am able.
If I had saw this earlier, I may have been able to help you. Sorry for your loss. :cry3: My first chinchilla showed the same symptoms one day and she passed away later that night, I would've said to take him to the emergency vet ASAP. Again, sorry for your loss, if you need any help, please let us know. We are all here for you.
Thank you for your sympathies, everyone. A similar thing happened with my first chin. Still don't know what caused their deaths. He was just at the vet little over a month ago for a swollen bug bite. All other things were looking good and the swelling was gone within the week. I will sadly be taking a break from chins for awhile though I deeply miss a fuzzy one hoping about. I will still be on this site helping others as I can. Thanks again to all.