not bonding after castration

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New member
Nov 24, 2015
I have a male chinchilla Tommy (1 year old) and female chinchilla Lola (3 months old). They got along great. Last week I got Tommy neutered. He has to be separated from Lola until Wednesday. He is not used to being in a small cage so he cannot jump and injure himself. He is also used to be outside at least 3 hours a day and of course to dust baths, which now he cannot have until Wednesday. Because of al this he is a little agitated, and I also have to give him drugs, which he also doesn't like.

Because he was restless I let him run in the hallway, where he can't jump on anything to get hurt. I let Lola play with him, but he wanted to mate with her, which she did not allow. Tommy kept trying to mount Lola so she turned and sprayed him. He got scared and sprayed her and lost some hair. This never happened before castration. Before, he just backed off and they were ok. Now he just wants to fight with her if she rejects him.

I am afraid that now they will not get along. Is it possible that Tommy is just agitated and afraid because he is not still completely well. Does anyone have similar experience? What should I do so that they will be again friends? When should I try to put them back together in the same cage.
Thank you