Thank you everyone for the kind words and messeges. The vet left a message on my phone last night and she said she found a blood clot on his heart, in humans that would be indicative of a heart attack. She did not think is was a artifact of decomposition and all the other organs looked fine and did not recommend a full necropsy, felt the gross was enough to determine the cause of death. I never 100% believed the chinchilla sudden death, but the only symptoms I have racked my brain of is the initial post where it was thought he was having a seizure, the last week or so he seemed to tire more easily during play, I attributed to bordom and a strange symptom I thought was hiccups, a few days ago during play he sat up right, squeezed his eyes shut and seemed to contract his body, it went on for a couple of min until I picked him up and checked him over, he seemed fine. I have been worried about the rest since this was so sudden and fast, now I can rest easy the vet said the death would have happened in a couple of min and he would have not known what happeded.