No humping?

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2012
I have a male chin who's just turned one in august, and from the posts that crop up from time to time here, I've been steeling myself for when he turns into a hump monster. However, while there are days where he's been bratty and teenage-y, he's never tried to hump my hand or his snuggle whale (which he wrestles with, but it never really looks like mounting and there's no ...residue left when he wanders off) He is otherwise full of beans, eats, chews, drinks and poops normally.

Is this a cause for worry, or is he just a little gentleman?
Be happy he isn't a hump monster! Some get that way and others don't and you can't really predict it. :D
:D I'm pretty pleased that he's not humpy, as long as it's not some sign of hormonal imbalance or anything, haha! He's definitely got boyparts that weren't as apparent when he was a baby, so I know he's at least developed secondary sex traits. He's kind of small for an adult chin (compared to the furchunks that I've seen from some of your photos!) but I've also heard that ebonies tend to be a little smaller...
My boy is almost 8 mo old and hasn't started that yet. As ornery as he is I'm surprised he doesn't.