No ac and 102 temp help!

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Walmart, home depo, acr should sell a/c units. I believe they even have portable ones you just plug in. They dont have to be mounted in a window. Should be under 100 especially this time of yr. Most stores are clearencing stuff now.
I live in wy and we have very few warm mths here but i wouldn't dream of owning a chin without a/c or swamp cooler.
If you plan on keeping him i would definately invest in one. Good luck
Driving around is highly impractical. I would get an AC unit that just stands alone and you can plug in. i dont know why you cant do that for him but you can spend a ton of money on gas driving him around. Or there are other very good suggestions from other people.
One thing which might be beneficial while you get sorted is to freeze cheap cans of food (here in the UK we can buy cheap tins/cans of baked beans for something like 2p) to put in/on the cage.
Firstly, wash off the label and glue so that the chin cannot chew/eat them.
Freeze the cans for a good 24 hours - it is worth putting multiple cans in the freezer so you can rotate them as necessary
Before you put them in/on the cage make sure to wash off the frost so that the chin's fur/tongue/paws do not stick to the cans - you can use a piece of fleece around them if you want.
I used to put a couple in the cage so that the chin can snuggle round them.
It is also worth putting a couple or more on the top of the cage (on a piece of fleece or towel) so that the cold air falls onto the chin's sleeping area.
This method is much safer than using frozen plastic water bottles should the chins chew them and they do stay cold for quite some time.
It's not a long term solution but it can be useful - it's also worth using frozen tins/cans for travelling - they can be placed on the top of the travel cage on a damp towel to keep the chin cool and they are useful as stand-by in case the car air-con fails - I put a few in a cool bag if I am travelling with a chin and it is warm outside for "emergencies".
You do not have to drive around to use a vehicle's A/C. You park in the shade and leave the engine idle. Yes, it uses gas, but it is a primary back-up for many chin owners. Even if for a few hours of the hottest part of the day.
Depends on the car, if the car has a auxillary electric A/C fan then they can idle all day with no problem, those that don't will not have enough air through the condensor to keep the a/c working long-the pressure in the system will become too high due to insufficiant air flow and the system pressure switch will cut the voltage to the a/c clutch.
I live in WA too, in Issaquah i'm in the same boat and i checked every store and every one is out of fans and A/C units even though i dont have enought money for A/C i was gonna resort to it. i just put the whole thing of dust in the freezer and thats helped, and the jars help too. thank god I work at petco and bought like 4 of those chin chillers.

I really need another fan though! if any one in the seattle area finds some please let me know. or port. A/C!!!!! or if anyone has A/C that lives near me, and would want to house my chins for a bit pm me.

Edited: Number removed for poster's safety.
Call Linda Clark of Cascade chinchillas she's in Seattle

PM me for her number.
These chins really need AC, and if you love them as much as you say you do, you'll do whatever is best for them no matter HOW hard it is for you to do (ie; finding him a new home). That's the responsibility of a pet owner. But with that said, until the heat wave passes, please get them over your friend's house. It seems like the best chance he has right now.
>Depends on the car

I was assuming one made in this century, silly me.
Sue Irvin is also in Issaquah might want to give her a call.

To all of you saying "get rid of the chin" - less than 10% of homes in Western WA have air conditioning, it rarely gets above 80. Deal with what comes and don't feel you need to give up your chin. Clearly you are doing what you can.

I do apologize for bringing the heat up... well not really, now you'll all get to experience a wee bit of Cajun weather... muahaha.

It will still be dropping to the low 60's at night, so if you can find someone with a full basement your chin will be fine. Three days of hot weather will not change the ground temperature, and if you leave the lights off and doors shut to the basement (and don't break the airlock during the day) it will maintain 67 degrees.

Good luck!

I was assuming one made in this century, silly me.

Very little between 80-95 can cool while sitting. Most cheaper new models still can't. My 89 Olds is lucky to cool off enough to drive it most days. Just had the a/c redone too.
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Very little between 80-95 can cool while sitting. Most cheaper new models still can't. My 89 Olds is lucky to cool off enough to drive it most days. Just had the a/c redone too.

Car manufacturers everywhere would cringe at the thought of leaving a 4 cylinder idling for hours in over 100 degree weather while letting an a/c run. I also have to say, my 4 cylinder can't even begin to keep up with my V8. Sitting in the Caliber with the a/c on feels about like a fan or a little cooler when sitting at an idle. It's not nearly the same thing as the larger engine of my Expedition being able to cope with the higher temps and the a/c running. I doubt you would get much benefit from it for the chin. Driving around, yes. Idling? Nope.

I agree with Tara. I don't see that you're being deliberately abusive and need to get rid of your chin. You're in a climate where it never normally reaches that kind of temperature. If you do not have access to a basement, find someone who can hold your chin for you. It looks like you got several suggestions of people who would be willing to help. Check with one of them and get him to the coolness.
Yeah Sue Irvin actually lives about a mile away from me, but i dont know how to get ahold of her. i tried PMing her but i dont have her email or phone
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well i dont know what house she lives in, just the street. :/
I know in my area the local Petsmart lets people bring animals in when its hot, maybe ask there or just go and stay?
got ahold of sue and shes taking them until the heat wave is over :3
I really feel for you guys over in Western Washington. Here in Eastern Washington it's a given that we will get hit hard by the summer heat. I hope things cool off for you all over there soon. Seattle is even topping Spokane in temperature, and that's usually unheard of! Glad you found someone who could help you out.
I really feel for you guys over in Western Washington. Here in Eastern Washington it's a given that we will get hit hard by the summer heat. I hope things cool off for you all over there soon. Seattle is even topping Spokane in temperature, and that's usually unheard of! Glad you found someone who could help you out.

The official heat here, 100 miles north of Seattle is 95, although the thermometer on my front door says it is 105! Seattle is always hotter than our area by about 10 degrees. And this is so unusual for us. That is why many of us here don't have a/c units. I just got one for mine and I feel better about her well-being, and I'm so happy to hear that this chin found a cooler spot, hopefully until this heat wave is over. It is supposed to stick around a while longer though...