Nightmare continues

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I <3 dustbunnies
Feb 1, 2009
Nashville, TN
So I posted in the breeding section that I lost one of my kits Tato suddenly. Well Poe started acting kind of larthargic last night so I brought him first thing to the vet this morning because he was still lethargic and had the same tanish fluid coming out of his mouth Tato did. Vet swabbed the fluid and said he thinks its a bacterial infection so he gave Poe some antibiotic (baytril) and began giving him Nutrical to try and get his bloodsugar back up. He gave me critical care and some other stuff in a tube, baytril and more nutrical. Poe is still hanging on but hes not swallowing anything i put in his mouth. Im really worried he is going to go into stasis if I cant get him to swallow anything, but im afraid he'll choke if I push it too far...he's so weak he just sits there :( And to top it all off I think Im coming down with the flu or a bad cold because I can barely stand up...
If he can't swallow at all, and he's very weak, then I'm afraid stasis isn't going to be a problem. I'm sorry, I don't mean that to sound harsh, but if he's too weak to swallow, then the odds of him surviving are not great.

Did the vet hydrate him at all? A lot of times if they aren't hydrated, and you do dehydrate when ill, then they don't seem to rally enough to eat or take their meds.
No he didn't - I think he was thinking that if he could perk up his blood sugar with the nutrical he might get a little more energy. I also felt like I was going to pass out almost the entire time I was in there so I wasnt thinking straight. I have been giving him some water with an eye dropper or at least attempting to. if I push his head back a little he seems to swallow a little. I know Im not really expecting him to make it but I had to try.
I am so sorry! I hope that he gets better. I am praying for him. Keep us posted!
I'm so sorry.
I have a question though for anybody, which is related to your post. When I was struggling to hand feed my boys I jokingly told them next time we go to the vets I am going to have them put a naso-gastric tube in and I'll feed you that way.
Has anybody done that with a weak chin like you describe?
Well, Ive managed to get two droppers full of water in and about 1/4 of a syringe of critical care in the last couple hours. I also got most of the gram of Bene-bac in which he actually seemed to want...was the only one he bit down and chewed for. I can't remember what the Bene -bac is for? He seems to be a little more alert and is fighting me a bit when I try to feed him, a bit better than this morning but still just sits where you put him. I have to go to work in a bit so hopefully I can get a little more in him before I go. Fingers crossed for him - this is my favorite kit Ive had born this year.
Bene-Bac is short for beneficial bacteria. It's a probiotic to help replenish the good bacteria in the intestines. It actually has sugar in it to make it palatable.
Sitting is okay. He's storing up energy. Fighting you while you handle him shows that he still has some fiestiness in his body.

Keep thinking positive, keep working at it. When they want to be, chins can be resilient little creatures.
I hope that these were just isolated incidents all happening at the same time. That's what happens to me...

It's good that he's a little more alert now. I'm sending good thoughts that he will improve and that you found the problem early enough for him to pull through. Like Peggy said, stay positive and keep trying. I like it when a sick chin starts fighting again, that's a great sign. If you can get the bacterial infection to subside and keep the little dude's blood sugar up, he stands a good chance of making it.

I'm sorry you're going through this. Get some rest when you can. (I know that that is hard when something like this happens, believe me, if anyone knows, it's me!)
I am sorry to hear about Poe, I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be when they are sick. My chin, Herby, is still recovering from his illness and it was hard watching him day after day, fight to stay alive and get healthy again. But as of today, he is doing well and is almost back to his old self. I will keep my fingers crossed that Poe does the same. Just keep making sure he gets his meds and gets hydrated as much as possible. But I do agree with who said that the vet should have hydrated him. It is very important to get them hydrated as quickly as possible to prevent a down hill tumble.
Good Luck to both you and Poe! I hope he perks up very soon and that everything turns out okay!
Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! We will take them all! So I rushed home from work and hes still hanging in there - he took the baytril like a champ, did not want the water, and ate a few bites of critical care. He also had a small sticky bm (most likely from the nutrical but hey, things are moving!) I have to say that he looks better than this morning - I am cautiously optimistic...I had a very young kit attacked by siblings earlier this year and I thought he wasn't going to make it but he did so I am holding out hope that he will be good as new soon. I ordered some lifeline to help out too.

My next question is I am concerned about the other two boys who were living in with Poe and Tato - do you think I should ask for antiobiotics for them just to be sure they don't have it? They are acting normally, but this thing took Poe and Tato down pretty quick. I am planning to take in stool samples from my cages who have soft poos and have them all tested rather than bringing the chins in - I think the time for acidophilous has passed...
Poe and Tato... I just have to say, it took me a few mins to realize what that was when you put it together. As soon as I did, I smiled and laughed. What a great pair of names. I am still praying for Poe. I hope that he is doing better!
Still doing ok this morning - had several formed poos this am so I am getting the critical care in and not just all over his chin. He loves the Baytril which is a relief...The critical care is mixed with water and I am giving him water in the dropper too but he's fighting me on that the most. Other chins from the cage still also acting normally. Knocking on wood...

And yes, I came up with the name Poe because he looks a bit like a panda (Kung Fu Panda) with grey circles around his eyes and a white body and then needed a name for his brother and Kayla of lil sugar chins suggested it was too cute to pass up.
I would not give the water and just give the CC, most of what goes in is water anyway, if needed water it down, that way he's getting some nutrition in too.

I wouldn't focus on the nutrical that much, it's basically like eating sugar, it gives a boost then they crash.
Yah the vet said one of the ingredients in the nutrical is molasses and I believe it because it's about the consistency of molasses. I am focusing on the cc and phasing it out. The nutrical was the only thing he would even try to swallow yesterday besides the benebac and the vet said he didnt need to swallow it for him to absorb it - he could absorb it through his mouth, gums whatever the technical term for that is...Today he really started going after the cc...I believe the dosing only said to give it through tomorrow anyways.
So today he hasn't wanted to eat as much as last night and today I started noticing when I massage his tummy that I can feel like raised patterns on it - I called the vet back (they called to check on him) and told them and they said I may be feeling his intestines and fecal matter. So I went to work, but tonight the patterns seem much bigger and even almost a lump or bulge in one part...he's not wanting to eat much but i got some in...Is this gas? I haven't been giving smithecone...I am afraid it could be a blockage or something bad...
I don't know...I know Joey did something that had scared me to death until I figured it out. When I rubbed and massaged his tummy it was always hard as a rock. I thought he was dying until I realized he was tensing all his muscles down there when I went to touch it. Silly boy is just fine now.