New to site, but not chinchillas! My name's holly!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Rodent lover!
Jul 4, 2011
Lead, SD
Good evening! Sorry It took me so long to write an intro, but here it goes :) My name is Holly, and I'm 28 almost 29 years old. I've been married now for one year, and been with my husband for 7 years, we've got two beautiful girls. Oldest is 10, and our second is almost 4. We live in a small town in South Dakota, and plan on moving to Billings Montana in early spring next year. My rodent addiction started with one male Guinea pig. We bought him from a pet store, and he ended up having some sort of sickness, and passed away. Before he did we bought him a cage mate, and we've had him ever since, and bought him a cage mate. That would be my two male pigs, Floyd, and Mojo! We some how ended up with a female pig, and then traded our birds for another female pig, and we currently have two female pigs. (Both sets have their own cages, we don't want guinea babies. I have no experience with them, and i don't want something to happen to the mom because I believe one of the girls is older than 1.) We had a female chinchilla for our first chinchilla, but after she passed away, we have recently bought a male chinchilla, and am just in love with them! I'd love to have a couple, but my husband said I can only have one chinchilla, and our guinea pig cap is at 4 :hilarious: But our house is very much full with 2 kids, 4 pigs, and 1 chinchilla lol, but i wouldn't change it for anything. I love my kids, and pets (husband included lol) with all my heart, and can't wait to maybe have another chinchilla in the future. Thanks for reading, and have a nice night all!
I forgot to add that I'm a stay at home mom to our kids, and our two girl pigs names are Meena, and Goodnight. We first named her Midnight, but my littlest couldn't get it right and was always calling her Good night lol. So that's what we call her. I don't have any pictures to share because most of my recent pictures are taken with a cell phone. My digital got drowned in a bowl of cereal lol, but you're more than welcome to visit my facebook where i keep all my pictures, or pigs, and chinchilla! Not sure if i can post my link, but i put it on my profile on here. Feel free to stop by, there are TONS of pictures of my pets!
It's rare we have another South Dakotan on forum, so welcome neighbor. I've been to Lead a couple times and it's a beautiful area.

Welcome to CnH. :)
Thank you Tunes, and Stackie! I don't see a lot of people from South Dakota on these either. Very nice to meet you! I didn't value the area until i got a bit older, but it really is a very nice area, and a great place to visit! :)
Welcome! Thank you for such a detailed intro - its really nice to hear so much about new members!!
Thank you all kindly for the warm welcomes! Excited to be here, and have been posting around a little bit :) Still reading a ton of info, and older posts :)
Here are a few pictures of my pets. I didn't know where to put pictures, but i figured this place would be best. Hope you enjoy!


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Just a few more ;)


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lol didn't mean for the kids to be "pet" but those are my girls lmao!!


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Thank you!! I'm kind of a picture addict, and i take tons most of time lol. Kids, and pets! Is there a special place to post random pictures? Or just in the general chat? Just curious. Also if someone could tell me what the stars are for? I noticed i have one, and not sure where it came from lol! Thanks!! :)