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New member
Feb 8, 2016
Hi there,
I'm new to this forum. I live in Canada and have had small animals my entire life. I currently have 4 Guinea Pigs, a foster rabbit and a chin.

I sometimes feel that they live a more lavish life style than I do.

I live in a smaller town surrounded with little to no small animal rescues or resources for these animals. I have tried to offer education and help to those in need.

I have recently been contacted to take on a hedgie. I don't currently have one, but have had hedgie a in the past. This little male and his sister are living in a 10 gallons aquarium. His sister for some reason is not in the picture anymore (not sure what happened to her). Anyway that s lady is not able to care for him anymore (financially and emotionally).

I can take him on, but does anyone ever feel that if they take in another pet, they start to neglect their others ?

He needs to be saved, but I don't want to become a dumping ground.

Any advise would help. Thanks a bunch

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I have recently been contacted to take on a hedgie. I don't currently have one, but have had hedgie a in the past. This little male and his sister are living in a 10 gallons aquarium. His sister for some reason is not in the picture anymore (not sure what happened to her). Anyway that s lady is not able to care for him anymore (financially and emotionally).

I can take him on, but does anyone ever feel that if they take in another pet, they start to neglect their others ?

I haven't found that the addition of one more leads to neglect of the other; however, I've only had two for any great length of time. I had three hedgies for about a week. And 11 for 2 days (part of a rescue operation).

Hedgies, generally, aren't terribly high maintenance. They like to be left alone during the day to sleep. They like to be left alone during the night to run, eat, and go potty. So there are two times for interaction: morning (when you're getting up/hedgie is going to sleep) and night (when you're winding down/hedgie is waking up). My morning interactions only last 5-10 minutes - including tidying up their cages. Evenings are for getting the cage ready for the night and snuggletime. If you can put in maybe 20minutes of snuggletime (which you can work into leaning back and watching tv), you'll be fine.

There are, of course, other times during their life that they need more attention; eg, illnesses or injuries. Just like any other animal, you won't be able to predict when that occurs or what form it takes. You just deal with it as needed.

So... long story short, if you have the resources to set hedgie up in a good environment and can take about a half hour out of your day (or longer if both you and hedgie want to snuggle for longer) on a regular basis. It could work.