Jessica, they have plastic flying saucer wheels in the pet stores now. They don't know what the metal ones are, but they carry the plastic ones now.
I highly doubt that pet store employee knew what the flying saucer is. All of my customers I have had had no idea what the Leo Braun or the flying saucer was.
They actually did have the flying saucer at the pet store I was at, they just told me not to buy it because chins didn't seem to like it very much.
Acutally the Mom and Pop pet store up the street from me sells the metal flying saucer, so independant pet stores can carry them.
Yes, but it was the plastic one, correct? I haven't heard of any pet stores selling the legit metal saucers that we recommend here. I honestly have no idea how the plastic ones would even work with a chin. They are so light and unstable, and chins run like maniacs..there's no way a chin could stay on one.
I am going to inform her of it the next time I am able to talk to her, and our local feed store carries that type of rabbit food so I will pick some up on my way in to town the next time, thank you! I've been reading the site in and out since I officially became a member, I have a note book dedicated to chinchilla stuff with notes. :] I have been working very hard to double check what is already in the note book with the information I found on this site, I'm thankful that so far I haven't had very much bad information, but there is more than what I had hoped for.