new playpen=aggro chin

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Alameda, CA
I bought a new playpen (the large clean living one- it's wire and folds, plus has a top) mainly because chimney is a jumper and I needed a top so he didn't leap out, he totally loves it which is awesome!

Ferdinand on the other hand has gotten aggressive if he's in it, I tried letting him play in it a few times now, the first time no problem but after that he's hated it- kacks, nipped my hand once (not hard but obviously not grooming). This is from a chinny that will hop into my lap to cuddle, loves to be held, petted, is a total ham and just sweet as heck. It's not that chimney plays in it too because they both used the same old one, taking turns playing as well as mutual play times (this is happening when he's by himself, I haven't wanted the two playing together in there with him acting like this!). When he started acting aggro I made sure to use different toys and a different blanket underneath but it didn't make a difference.

So I'm wondering if there's any ideas on if there's a way to make this playpen work? One thought was maybe a size thing, the old one was larger floorspace wise- if that's it then does anyone know if two can be connected? If they can I can always make a larger cover.
Or I don't exactly know why this would change much but it can be attached to a cage, do you think that may help? It could give a larger area and give him just more freedom to come and go during playtime (not like he really had that with the old one but just trying to think of ideas).

I do still have the old one, but if possible it would be nice to just have one set up! I'm going to hold onto the old one just in case I can't get anything to work out using this one though.

Oh and the only reason Ferdinand and Chimney have separate play times is because Chimney gets stressed out easily by being picked up even to be transported to play. If I let him out during the daytime it seems to stress him less. Ferdinand is not too thrilled at being let out to play during the day, so I end up with one in the day and one at night, oh well! Whatever makes them happy.
oooh never thought of odor! I'll try cleaning the playpen and make a different top, I have some extra fleece- thanks for the idea!
You can hook two together if you think it is too small. I hook my two together and with me sitting in with them I do not need a top because I am there to prevent any escapes :)).
Is it because that Ferdinand needs more time to customize to the new surrounding that you have built for him?

Because he could be nervous by nature? I have a chinchilla who tends to be more jumpy in new changes for surrounding. As it takes slightly more time to adapt to new changes.

Another problem could be the scent of the place. Try cleaning up their poos in the playpen after each play if both chinchillas have different play-times. Or try to let the more dominating chin out to play first, I think it matters to them who comes out to play first.
Because i once had this problem, where i allow the girls to play before my male, he could go crazy in his cage, jumping around and stuffs.
So i changed their playtime around, I allow my male to play first and things solved instantly for us! He became less aggressive as long as we allow him to come out first. Cute little fuzzballs!
Thanks, it's nice to know that I can try enlarging it too!

The new surroundings thing makes sense, he doesn't tend to be nervous but things change and it is possible that he is acclimating. I'll try using a different blanket underneath for each and see if that helps with the scent possibility. I'll have to figure out a way to try the order thing- maybe I can try to alternate days between the guys playing.
