Again, I digress...when these new people go to shows...or get directed to "quality" breeders for their founding stock...who do they purchase from? The "big boys" plain and simple. And, especially at a show, that's the place to check out the smaller breeder! Maybe not buy from them as a smaller breeder will often show many animals that they cannot afford to part with...but the newer people don't take not of who did what...they take not of who took the most trophies. Those are two separate animals there.
You want to know how I used to determine who to buy from? Shows were the easiest way for a 16yr old to get a good chin when she didn't have a drivers liscense

I went to shows, looked over animals (with $500 in pocket) and picked out the ones I liked. If they were for sale (after THEN tracking down their owners) I'd buy them. If they were not, I would watch them go on the table...see how they did...and make mental note of the breeder.
I didn't show up at a show and run on over to Shoots, Ryerson, Ritterspach...and say "hey, what's for sale" I based my purchases on the animals, not the name. As far as "little guys" go these days

not many local to me. The last batch of animals I purchased came from out of state. A breeder travelling locally enough, one I TRUSTED enough based on REPUTATION (not NAME) brought me what I asked for because they were headed through PA to a show. I could've just as easily (if not moreso) went over to Ohio on my own time and purchased from the big names. Had the money, had the transport...just preferred reputation over name. In the past few years I haven't purchased ANY animals from the big names. If the chin has a big name it's because it was purchased secondhand from a smaller name.
Peg, I agree with your perception of Becky...but even out where you you hear all the mention of her? Even with all she's accomplished and the time she's been in? Honest question as I'm from a different part of the state away from Ohio

we get different name drops here. I think that's what kills me about most..."I know what I'm doing, I purchased from so and so big name rancher and they're blah blah blah with show awards" If I wasn't competitive in nature I'd have done away with shows years ago. They cost money, lots, and for what? To be told about what a good eye already knew. She's got a bit of off color, his belly isn't the greatest, she could use a bit more size...I get the purpose for newbies...but at this point in the game it'd be easier to have one knowledgeable rancher bring the best thing in their herd...say here's a nice chin and then rank all the others on the table accordingly so the noobs knew what to identify. LOL!
And must be very nice to live in your world indeed

while I'm not trying to change the world...when people contact ME just to argue it gets old in a hurry. And as far as being thankful for those before us, I am thankful for the result and that's about it. I know how some of the big names got to where they are and it wasn't all the "hard work" it's cracked up to be. If you're standing on the shoulders of a person who's wasted anything in their path to get on top of the bodypile...I think that really sums it up.