New Little ones! (They're okay, I'm shaken up!)

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Pro Cage Cleaner Champion
May 18, 2009
Sahuarita, Arizona (a half hour south of Tucson)
This evening at 9:30 Sibley delivered a baby girl. Nice big baby with lots of wiggle to her. No problem. I did freak out a little because most of the time they don't have their babies at this time of night.

The second baby didn't come so easily, but at about 9:45 another beige girl was born. The problem was that the baby wasn't breathing and wasn't moving. I grabbed the baby and dried her quickly and started to clear her airways with a suction well as give her a gentle heart massage. About five minutes into it she gasped, let out a huge squeak and got to breathing. :) She sproinged right to life then and was fine, I think she had mucus in her airways and just wasn't able to breathe. It's amazing at how a seemingly dead kit springs to life...the muscles tighten and the floppy kit is ready for acting.

My stomach is in knots now. After over a decade of this you would think that I would be used to it. The strange hour of delivery threw me because I was feeding the chins then and I really only anticipate babies in the mornings.

The babies are both doing well, drying off and mama is happy. We're just waiting for the placenta from the second kit to be expelled and then all will be good.

I swear someone should have gotten a video of me going through that to show to anyone wanting to breed chins. It would probably really change people's minds about it. Whew. I am off to go check on the new little ones... :)
sounds like fate stepped in..............she probably wouldnt have made it if mama delivered in the night! now take a deep breath & relax!
I know, I know... I'm just about the last person, who should be breeding chins...because I get way too nervous. It's really good that I was right there.

Did I just commit to taking and posting pictures by mentioning this? Darn it, I think I did!
Pictures of the new little boppers...

The beige is 58 grams and the standard is 59. Excellent weights for twins...just excellent. They are doing well. I probably should have waited to take pictures when they would actually be fluffy. :p

They really are very cute already. Mama is doing great. I know now why the second one was a little tough to deliver - she had an above average baby born! Actually she had two above average little ones.

Sorry to keep posting about it...I'm just all nervous... I would have thought I wouldn't be like this about new babies by now... :rolleyes:


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Cute little bebbies! Hope they don't get you too freaked out as they grow, Susan LOL!
Both of them are really a cutie!! =)
I'm really curious on how do you go about the heart message and sucking the mucus out using the suction bulb? How deep did you place it into the kit's mouth?
I just sucked out the mucus (or fluid) out of the nose and got it cleared out as best I could. The kit's mouth is just far too small to get the smallest nozzle from a suctioner into it. I do the little heart massage very gently using my thumb. I very slowly rub over the ribcage to get things going. Also, I rub the kit all over as much as I can to stimulate blood flow. Sometimes I'll rub with a cloth as I go. This time I just had the kit wrapped in a small washcloth and I was very hands on. It took a long time to get the chin to move properly in this case.

Normally it only takes a minute if there's a problem with the kit breathing and most mother chins instinctively know how to get their kits moving. They will nuzzled them intensively and sometimes pick them up and move them around. I have seen them pick them up and drop them to get them moving, it's the strangest thing. This time I know that the mom wouldn't have been able to do it herself. I'm so glad I was right there!
wow.. This is almost like how the vet get the pup to breath when its not breathing during birth! I guess you must be over the moon when the kit started its first breath! The happiness and relief... ha ha anyway I'm really glad it made it through =D
I want you to re-enact the whole scene with a beanie baby and post the video. Oh and now you owe us fluffy kit pics as well :neener:
So happy for the little wee ones and you.
See...if you mention ANYTHING about the chins, it is automatic grounds for pictures. A reenactment won't be anything like the real have to see the real panic craziness! And, it probably would be helpful to show people how to suction a baby chin nosey to get an airway open.

There was this one time where I was rushing a mama chin to the vet because the baby was breach and not coming out with contractions. About a half mile from the vet's office the kit was born...completely limp, not moving. I actually used my mouth to gently suck out the gunk in the nose as I was driving and rubbing the kit's chest. I would give ANYTHING to have had a video of that because it was so weird that I did that.

When I got to the vet I ran inside and grabbed a kleenex off of the receptionists desk and started sopping up the kit as I was trying to get him going. Right there he squealed and sproinged into was great! They brought me a suction bulb because he was having some trouble. Hey, Saphira saved me $1000 on a c-section by having her baby in the car. Chinchilla breeders do the strangest things. I still have that chin! He's over three years old and just beautiful.

Cute babies! I'm so glad you were there to help mama.

Great Job! I always knew you were a chinny angel.
Wow that sounds like the most heart strangling thing ever. I can't imagine how weird it would have looked to someone else to see you sucking a chin's nose lol
Anything to keep them going :)
You're just the best!
i have never seen "just born" babies! they are so cute, their fur is almost wavy.
AZ--that is amazing that you aspirated him with you mouth! wow. the things we do for our chins.
I am so glad I am not the only crazy one that in a pinch has just sucked. My husband thinks it is horrid (he saw once) I should get a bulb. Good thing you were there and beautiful babies
Thank you so very much for sharing your story. I have not bred any animals yet. I had one rescue birth a couple years ago. I will be out buying a suction bulb. Right now I just introduced a couple and will sit back and wait for a future mating. But this information was great! I'll be adding it to my box of supplies for any future emergency.
Congrats on the kits survival. My husband and I were marveling over their size and all around good looks. I'd be interested in knowing how much your dam weighed in at the height of her pregnancy.
And I can't help but add a funny. What in God's green earth are you feeding your animals???? :hilarious:
Congrats, on your new additions. Sorry that you had problems with the 2nd one. I would have freaked out myself.
I really don't know how much she weighed! Probably 850 or so? I never weigh anyone except babies and rescues that look thin.

I feed Mazuri, timothy hay, hay cubes, a little tiny bit of life line, a treat every blue moon, fresh water and maybe some acidophilus mixed in the pellets.

I have to take pictures today now that they are fuzzified. The beige one is so cute. Sibley loves having babies, she's one of those mamas that meticulously cleans every single hair on the little wigglers. She has already separated them and has each kit on a side of her body. I believe she learned this with the triplets she had previously to keep them from fighting.

The most interesting part of this is that I have Sibley in with HER mama, Dolly. Dolly is a very good grandmother! These girls are in a trio with Hermes and have done great that way. :)
AZChins what a fantastic story, i am so happy to hear the chins are doing so well and their great births weights is brill too! :thumbsup:

I must say i will be keeping an eye on this thread cause i really love beige Chinchillas and would love to see one growing up.

1000$ for a C-section? Wow that is crazy