I tend to browse around craigslist when I'm bored and look at the pet section because I guess I enjoy torturing myself by looking at all of those pictures and hearing the sad stories. =P Anyway, I came across an ad. for a free chinchilla... It surprised me, then I became a little concerned. Anything with the word "free" in it is bound to attract attention - bad and good. I hate seeing "free" in pet ads because people with unknown intentions may contact the owner and just get the animal for whatever reason. Creeps.
But I had a cage and all of the stuff, and I was looking, though not very actively, for an adult chin to sort of help me cope with the loss of Buffy. Seeing the empty cage all of the time killed me.
After contacting the owner, we arranged to meet up today. Her car broke so I went all the way to her house to pick him up. I was quite appalled at what I saw. First of all, she had a death ball, which I kindly refused to take. She gave me a bag of food and guess what? It wasn't even chinchilla food. It was a bag of hamster and gerbil food, and a crappy one, too. The sand she had was Kaytee, so that's no good either.
Then she handed me the chinchilla in a super tiny carrier, so I switched him to the cat carrier I had. This is when I really got a look at him. His fur is a mess! Lots of tufts, oily, and a weird little part and section of fur on his back.
(Sorry for fuzzy quality. I don't like to use flash on my pets if I can help it.)
I have some blue cloud dust so I'll set up a bath for him later on when he's a bit more settled in. He's enjoying all the room and ledges in his cage, and he's a sweet little guy. Also, he's three. I haven't decided on a name yet.
But I had a cage and all of the stuff, and I was looking, though not very actively, for an adult chin to sort of help me cope with the loss of Buffy. Seeing the empty cage all of the time killed me.
After contacting the owner, we arranged to meet up today. Her car broke so I went all the way to her house to pick him up. I was quite appalled at what I saw. First of all, she had a death ball, which I kindly refused to take. She gave me a bag of food and guess what? It wasn't even chinchilla food. It was a bag of hamster and gerbil food, and a crappy one, too. The sand she had was Kaytee, so that's no good either.
Then she handed me the chinchilla in a super tiny carrier, so I switched him to the cat carrier I had. This is when I really got a look at him. His fur is a mess! Lots of tufts, oily, and a weird little part and section of fur on his back.
(Sorry for fuzzy quality. I don't like to use flash on my pets if I can help it.)
I have some blue cloud dust so I'll set up a bath for him later on when he's a bit more settled in. He's enjoying all the room and ledges in his cage, and he's a sweet little guy. Also, he's three. I haven't decided on a name yet.