New clear pics of Harvey

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I managed to get a few clear pics of Harvey (not an easy task)

Harvey on my lap

A few close ups of harvey



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Harvey is just adorable! That pink nose and those ears!!!!!!!! I cannot get enough pictures of this little one-more, more, more!!!!!!!!!!! What is his personality like? Any Harvey stories?
His personality is great he's very sweet sometimes, he'll fall asleep in my lap without a blanket covering him and the other day he fell asleep in my hand while i was petting his head which was very cute. He also poops and pees on my everytime I take him out :laughitup:
Awr, there is just something about that nose that is so sweet. I've never owned a hedgie myself, but my friends have had a few that I've watched when they were away. I never knew they came in so many different colors til I came on this board, though. Such a sweet little boy you have! *kisses his nose!*