New chinchilla?

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Oct 22, 2014
So my dear Lucy passed away a few days ago, she died of choke. It was unfortunate, and I'm so sad to not have her around anymore.
But I'm considering getting a new chinny, because having Lucy was one of the most wonderful things ever.

I'm also afraid, because I know just how long it took me and Lucy to form a solid bond with each other. Where she would hop out onto my hands, wait for me at the cage doors, hop onto my shoulder, and we had a bunch of tricks that we could do together. Such as she came when I called her name, hop onto my shoulder when I sat on the ground, hop onto my lap when I sat in a chair and so much more..

But I was in the process of building Lucy a new, massive cage, not that she needed it, because she had a ferret nation all to herself, but because I felt she deserved a wonderful cage for a wonderful chin. I was making it out of wire shelving (like the kind you put in closets to put clothes on), filled with wood shelving, huts, and a litter tray, fleece tunnels, hammocks, and fleece on the bottom. The dimensions were 4ftx2ftx6ft (4 feet in length, 2 feet wide, 6 feet tall), and now that she's gone, I don't know what to do with all the materials that I have now paid a lot of money for.

I know a new chinchilla will never be like Lucy. And it hurts, because Lucy was so important and special to me, something that I know I couldn't achieve with another chinny.
So any advice? Should I go through with the adventure again? Lucy and I went through a lot together, it was hard, but I enjoyed every minute that she lived... I feel I could experience this with a new chinchilla.. to have all the joys I did with Lucy.
Sorry about Lucy. Rip♥

Each chin is different. My first chin was not interested in interacting with me for a while. Even now, I am still working on my bond with him. As soon as I got my second chin, I could see a huge difference in the two of them. My second chin bonded with me much quicker, and he is a lot more friendly than my first one. Some like certain things, and some are more open to you than others. That's just something you have to deal with when you have an unfriendly chin.

If I were in your situation, I would get another one. Nothing will replace Lucy but that doesn't mean that you don't have room in your heart for another. This new chin may not be anything like her, but you'll fall in love their his/her unique personality just as you did with Lucy.
Oh and im also wondering if anyone knows where I would be able to get a 6 month (or younger) pink white chinny? I live in Saskatchewan and am able to travel a little bit out, but not far. If anyone knows any breeders or people that could help me that'd be great!!
Yea I understand that every chinny has a different personality:) that's what makes them all so special!
Would you recommend one or two chinnies?
Because Lucy used to have a sister, ever since they were 6mo old, and it was sometimes good and sometimes bad. They used to fight over the food bowl, spray pee, and bark at each other (territorial stuff im guessing), so I had to give Lucy's sister away - long story. But it wasn't all bad, they would sleep together, play together and whatnot.
I know chins are social little animals, but I am afraid that if I get a pair, that there will be more troubles with fighting and stuff. And I don't want to go through all that again.
In my case, it would be best for me to just have one chinny, so I can devote all my time to them, and to overall getting close to just that chinchilla. But in the chinnies case, it's unfair to them if they don't have a friend, I guess.
In Lucy's case, that was the best for her, to not have a cage mate, because of the complications I had when she had her sister with her.
So any opinions?
Chins can live happily without a pal. Unless they were litter mates I wouldn't bother with getting two. Even then, as you have experienced they can decide they don't want to be friends anymore.
You should get yourself a new chinchilla no it will never be Lucy but it could be just as great as she was
it seems like you were a very loving and knowledgable chinnie owner. the world needs more of those! i would definitely suggest looking into getting another chin. you might feel the need to impluse buy a chin, but take your time with it. i was in the same position last march when my Molly & Maddie both suddenly died. But i took my time, thought about the type of chin and color i wanted, where and who i wanted to get them from, and now am SO happy with my Tripp, Track, and Lily! Research breeders and chinnie rescues in your area.
Aww sorry to hear that your two chinnies died :(
Yea, I am going to go to my pet shelter here, to look for a chinny that needs a home!
There have been chinchillas there before, but there was one that just stuck in my mind, he had clumps of fur falling out all over his body.. poor guy. Must've gone through a lot of stress before ending up there:(
There are no breeders near to me, or as far as I know. But I'd much rather find a rescue chinchilla:)
thank you. the loss of a chinnie is never easy, no matter the circumstances, nor ever forgotten.

sounds like you might have found the chinnie for you! I felt the same way... i wanted to find a chin who REALLY needed a good chinnie home. luckily, i found a breeder who had 2 special needs chins who needed homes and i am so glad i took them in. give purpose to the passing of your beloved chin and make room in your heart for a chin who needs it!
My chin's name is Lucy to, awkward.
Anyway so sorry that she's gone R.I.P Lucy
I think you should get another, or five :)