New Chinchilla Mommy

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I'm glad you've stayed as well. Besides it being super crappy that someone would try to harass you over doing your best to help animals in need, I'm happy it didnt keep you from this amazing forum. I'm a new chinmom myself and this place has been immensely helpful in knowing everything about my fluffy little boys.
Some of the stuff i learned i probably never would have learned on just using yahoo or google or even going to a pet store. My best friend and her fiance are really wanting a chinchilla so i am able to tell her everything i learned on here.

All that stuff is awesome. I would probably go broke if i bought stuff from there as i would want it all. My mother-in-law or even my mom has a sewing machine and my husband has sewen before so maybe i will give it a go and try and make my own fleecey liners.
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I just wanted to point out in case you weren't aware, but chicken wire and hardware cloth are two different things. You wouldn't want to wrap a cage in chicken wire because the openings in the wire are large enough for a baby chin to get out. You want the 1/2" x 1/2" hardware cloth, the openings are 1/2" squares. I know around here I can find that type of thing at a farm supply store.