New Chinchilla, hasn't drank much water and sneezes?

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Aug 6, 2011
I"ve got this new female chinchilla about 2 days ago, dont know the exact age of it, but i got it from the pet store and they normally get ones around three months of age. But lately, i've noticed that its been eating a lot of food-(loves its timothy hay, and pellets,) but hasn't drank much, if any water. I've had water bowl that hangs off the side of the cage and a water bottle on the other side, so it has options to drink, it just decides not too. One thing that i've done is i marked the water bowl and bottle to get an estimate on how much it drinks. But one other thing is that i've noticed its been sneezing, not too often, but probably a total of 10-15 times today? One of those i've noticed that a clear watery like substance ended up on my sheets after it sneezed, i dont know if that is normal? also it keeps like wiping its nose. Could this be an allergy? maybe its bedding or dust bath? i have kiln dried aspen bedding, and some volcanic ash dust for her. In response to this i've already went ahead and got some blue cloud chinchilla dust hoping that the other dust could be the problem. all comments would be greatly appreciated.

also she seems to be sleeping unaturally long today, like from 9am till 7pm( brought her out to play for an hour and half, jumped around for 30-45, but still seemed like she wanted to sleep after hopping around.) then i put her back in her cage she was up for about 15-30, mainly eating, and now shes gone back to sleeping?

i keep the room temperature around 64-73 is that too high?
Chinchillas don't drink very much- definitely get rid of the water bowl and just use the water bottle.

Also, the temperature could be too high depending on the humidity level. I live in the midwest, and in the summer I keep my A/C at 65 degrees for my chins.

The sneezing definitely isn't good. I think more experienced owners can give you advice about that.

Also, your chin probably misses her cagemates. Chins are social and most don't like to live alone. They like to groom each other, play with each other and cuddle together.

It would help if you gave us more information about her living conditions. Is her cage in the sunlight? Near any drafts? Do you have a chin spin for her? Is there any plastic in her cage? Stuff like that. Switching the dust was definitely a good choice :)
The temperature sounds ok. Most houses with an a/c that can keep it that cool don't have humidity issues.
If there is a respiratory issue, especially if the chins has started seeming lethargic, you need to see a vet ASAP. Chins hide their illness well, and there are no minor respiratory infections with chins- they can go from active to dead in a few hours.
I would take this chin to the vet. Discharge, sneezing and lethargy are signs of a URI, which can be fatal in chins. They can progress really rapidly so I wouldn't wait. Good luck and keep us posted!
Well thanks for the advice! I think she's doing a lot better now, it must have been the stress from moving! she still eating like she used to, and from when i marked the water bowl, it went down quite a bit which was a relief to me! She's still sneezing tho, but quite a bit less from the first day, i am still going to take her to the vet on monday, and hopefully its just allergies. Thanks guys, i'll keep you posted.
Are you leaving the dust bath in her cage? If so take it out. It should only be left in the cage for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Sleeping during the day is completely normal. They are nocturnal animals.

As far as the sneezing, I think a vet visit is definately warrented but I also wonder about the above causing it.

nah, i didnt leave the dust bath in her cage, i only let her use it for 10 minutes when i first got her and basically im waiting for the new blue cloud to arrive here to give her another one. but im takin her to the vet today, hopefully all goes well.
Sometimes chinchillas in pet stores are kept in glass tank-like enclosures. Was this the case? If so she could be sneezing from an infection from the lack of airflow. Since you went to the vet you will find out! How is she?
I was thinking the same as you, Anna, that it could be from poor ventilation at the petstore. Did this chin make it to see the vet?
Well i just got back from the vet today and they said she's in real good shape, checked all the vital signs and everything necessary(it all went well) They did end up prescribing her to some antibiotics, along with some pro-biotics to aid her in digesting these antibiotics. She mentioned that it might be a small upper respiratory infection, so she's on these meds for the next few days. Thanks for all the suggestions guys!

ps. i never really got any info on how her living standards were before i got her, but im interested to find out! i'll have to get back to you on that one