New chin owner!

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Jun 8, 2013
Hi I recently bought a young chinchilla from a local pet store and have had him for about three weeks. I know it is advised to get one from a respectable breeder but I couldn't help myself when I saw him. I have learned quite a lot about chinchilla care and what it takes to bond with them which is now my main concern. I let him out for at least an hour every night and I give him healthy treats which he comes running for. He will hop onto my arm or palm when I place it into his cage, which he constantly wants out of. He will hop all over me during play time but will not let me pet him unless he is in his cage. I guess what I am wondering is whether or not I will be able to pet him as he gets older? Also he is pretty wild and squirms in my arms. Do chins become more docile as they get older?

Thanks a lot! looking forward to responses! :)
Congratulations on your new chin. I just saw one today in a pet store, broke my heart. Bright light shining on her, she was trying to sleep in her food bowl and it was hot in there. To answer your question, my 4 mo old male won't let me hold him outside of his cage. I can inside, but he's constantly trying to jump overboard. My 14 mo female will let me pet her while I'm giving her an oat flake or if she's perched on something. Everything is on their terms! Just enjoy whatever they allow.;)
Each chin is different. Some will let you pet them and some won't. I have 1 girl that likes to be held and pet and 2 that don't. As they get older there temperaments can change when they get out of their "teen" years. One of the problems with pet store chins is you have no idea how old they actually are. I would imagine it might take longer for a pet store chin to get comfortable around you because of the environment they were in at the pet store. People banging on the glass and doing things they shouldn't do aren't quickly forgotten. Chins have great memories. Be patient and give him time. Three weeks isn't a long time. It took my girl that likes to bet held and pet almost a year before I noticed the change in her behavior. Now she'll hop right in my hands about 75% of the time. Good luck!
Go slow and make friends. My boys never wanted to be snuggled when out of their cage except Jackie but he's a special guy who has always been extra friendly. We have always had a scheduled chinchilla out time. When we first got our chinchillas if they didn't trust us enough to come out of the cage we'd just talk to them. We'd put our hands in the cage so they could come smell us if they wanted but pretty much we just wanted them to adjust to their new home. Once each was brave enough to jump on our hands they got out time. Once they realized a hand in the cage meant out time things went well. Also none of my boys want to be held but they will sit on me. I've also noticed that they are calming as they get older but at four and five years they are just starting to settle.
Congrats on your new chin & welcome! Chinchilla's by nature are very independent & intelligent animals. So training them or building their trust takes time. I've had by chin for over 12yrs he does have less energy than as a kit. However, it took me about 6-12months to really build his trust.

It's great that he already hops on your arm & palms in the cage. I would slowly work on petting him. I also only let my guy out to run if he jumps into my hands. My little guy does let me hold him (nightly) & pet him. I treat it as part of our bonding time some nights I get to hold him longer than others depending on his mood. Just be patient & remember chins by nature are always prey so it takes awhile for them to know you won't hurt them.