New Chin Momma :)

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New member
Nov 22, 2016
Hello everyone!

I recently made the decision to become a chinchilla momma! I have been wanting one for months and finally made the jump! I am going to pick up my first boy, Oliver Bobbie (Ollie for short), on Thanksgiving!

I live in Pittsburgh, PA but will be going to get him from a rescue in Tennessee that a good friend owns for bunnies. Yes, I am a bun momma as well to 8 gorgeous bunnies.

I like I've been all over the place when it comes to finding chinchilla information and my vet (Dr. Angie Keffer in Pittsburgh, PA) directed me to the forums to learn more.

I wanted to post an introduction post but will be posting some questions I have right off the bat as well!

--Should chinchillas have friends? Oliver is currently a single but my vet has a single lady that she had to do an emergency spay on and she thinks I should see how they do together since the girl is lonely.

--Are Cheerios really a good treat? What are some of the best treats you guys suggest??I know with bunnies there are a lot of treats that people give that aren't the best for buns and I'm trying to get a sense of what should be given versus what can be given!

I am planning on doing a set-up like this (photo attached) with a run outside of the cage also with stuff for them to get into during supervised play times. Thoughts? What are some of the best things I should add into the pen/cage?

Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated! PS. My bunny vet is also a chinchilla breeder so I already have a great vet in place in regards to that!


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Some chins like friends others don't, it all depends on personality, sometimes just because they get alone with one chin doesn't mean they will like another. Also when getting a second chin it's best to quarantine the new one for 30 days, that gives time for the new chin to settle in, for you to get to know it and it to get to know you. Also it allows any illness to show up before you expose your current chin to it. Intros with chinchillas can take months, so it's not always a quick process. It's better to get a second chin if you personally want, can care for, and house a second one rather then expecting two to get along. It also sometimes happen that two bonded chins have a falling out and need to be separated, so always be prepared to house as many chins as you have separately if need be.

One thing to keep in mind with rabbits and chinchillas is that rabbits can carry pasteurella bacteria which is deadly to chinchillas, so it's best to not even have them in the same room. Even a rabbit that isn't showing signs of being sick can still be carrying the bacteria if they have ever been around other rabbits that have been sick or ever been sick themselves with pasteurella (also known as snuffles). Also wash between handling rabbits and chinchillas.

Cheerios are an ok sometimes (like one once a week) treat, just make sure you get the plain ones. Other treats include rose hips, rose blossoms and petals, a pinch of slow cook oats, a shredded wheat, or some dried herbs (like dandelion, red clover, or nettle for example). No fruit, veggies, animal products (bone, meat, horn, milk, eggs, etc), sugar, nuts, or seeds.

The only issue I see with the set up pic you linked is you want to make sure the chin can't fall too far. Anything more then a foot can seriously injure or even kill the chin if they land wrong. Basically just make sure everything is overlapping with either shelves or hammocks to catch the chin. Also keep in mind that chins can jump 5 feet (not all realize this though), so plan a play area accordingly. Also any outside playtime needs to be 100% supervised and in a chin proofed area, they can get into trouble in the blink of an eye.

Things you want in the cage are lots and lots of toys (hanging toys, toss toys, shedding toys, chew toys, etc), hammocks, hidey house(s), tunnels, chin safe wheel (14"-15" min, solid all metal, like the silver surfer, chin spin, or metal flying saucer), food bowl and water bottle (one per chin), hay holder(s), and lots of jumping ledges and perches. Also avoid anything plastic, chins chew it and if swallowed it can cause issues.