Hi all, just introducing myself. I had absolutely no intention of getting chinchillas and rather got thrown in at the deep end. My first chin is Furby, a black velvet neutered male. I rescued him from being put to sleep because his previous owner was not prepared to pay for surgery to amputate his badly broken leg. Anyway he is now a very happy 3 legged chin. His previous owners then asked if I would have his brother, I was more than happy to take Bailey as it meant that they would be company for each other. I have bonded well with both of them. But Furby is by far more affectionate with me and barely waits for me to open the door before he is out on my shoulder. Of course I had to do a crash course in chinchilla care. I have now been offered their parents so it would seem that I am going to go from no chins to four of them in two months! I hope to learn more from all of you.